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Predictions according to the Oracle from June 29 to July 5 in love, health and money

In the world of astral readings that involve sacred elements, such as in this case cards, the tarot that is one of the sources of predictions most sought after for accuracy and the way it can collaborate when it comes to relieve tensions and anxieties when it comes to health, love and money in our lives at this end of the cycle that the closing of the month brings.

In this case each of the predictions that are within the tarot allows you to know the possibilities found at the close of the astral month.

What the cards say

Love: The Chariot

This letter speaks of the ways in which the tarot and its predictions It asks us to love ourselves so much that the lack of love from others for us is as least harmful as possible to our bonding world.

Health: The Sun

He tarot and its predictions It marks a key moment where we can visualize the need for guidance in our thoughts so that they do not drown our mental health in the astral cycle.

Money: The Emperor

This letter speaks within the predictions that him tarot It channels a powerful power that must be put at the mercy of generating money and rebuilding it in order to improve the financial world.

With information from Terra


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