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They presented the schematic of the 20 volumes of the Journalistic Encyclopedia Who is Who in Catamarca

June 29, 2024 – 12:56

Last Thursday, the presentation of the Journalistic Encyclopedia Who’s Who in Catamarca, by journalist Alberto Avellaneda, took place at Obispo Esquiú 38 in this capital. The event, which coincided with the author’s 79th birthday, was attended by personalities from the fields of culture, journalism, education and politics.

The event, which was hosted by Mariana Ventrice, began with a speech by Hilda Angélica García, president of the Argentine Society of Writers (SADE) of Catamarca. Later, journalist Roque Eduardo Molas spoke and read “Review towards the Future”, the prologue of the work.

Next, the announcer Juan José Serra spoke about the passage of Avellaneda on Radio Nacional Catamarca; Professor José Luis Gómez Bello, who referred to the work of the author of the encyclopedia as general director of university extension at UNCa; the journalist Rodolfo Lobo Molas; Hugo Puente, archaeologist, director of the Omar Barrionuevo Museum of the UNCa School of Archeology and curator of the photographic documentation exhibition Ancestral Paths of Memory of the Grandfather’s Hand; and Ezequiel Fonseca, archaeologist, professor at the UNCa School of Archeology and curator of the exhibition Ancestral Paths of Memory of the Grandfather’s Hand, among others.

In addition, Ventrice read the contribution of Dr. Néstor Kriscautzky, scientific advisor of the photographic documentation work “Alberto Avellaneda and the rock art manifestations of eastern Catamarca.”

The event ended with a thank you from Avellaneda, who has an extensive career in journalism, culture and archaeology.

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