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Red Cross trains volunteers in emergency response p

The Colombian Red Cross Atlantic Section announced the training of 20 volunteers in response to flood emergencies in the department. The workshop will be held, according to the organization, from June 28 to July 1, 2024.

This training is part of the area of ​​Vulnerability and Expanded Capacity Analysis and induction in the Community Climate Resilience Measurement (CRMC) tool.

Patricia Maestre, president of the Atlantic Red Cross, highlighted the importance of these spaces to strengthen the training processes of volunteers and thus respond in a timely manner to any emergency situation due to climate change in the department.

“This will undoubtedly be an enriching experience for everyone and we hope it motivates us to continue collaborating and applying what we have learned for the well-being of our communities,” he said.

Within the framework of these activities, the director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability of Zurich Colombia Seguros SA, Diego Miguel Hernández Parra, conducted a reconnaissance tour of the agroforestry nursery, located on the La Inmaculada Mallorquín property, in Las Flores, and which was built through the ‘Flood Resilience’ project in an alliance with the Zurich Foundation.

“For us as project partners it is gratifying to be able to visit the community again and see the progress they have made. The success of the articulation between the Red Cross and the impacted population is evident because they managed to produce these potential sustainable solutions based on nature and which we hope will contribute to the strengthening of response capacities and generation of community resilience in flood scenarios,” said Hernández. .

According to the manager, the purpose of this space is to plant mangroves as an initial option for a nature-based solution and contribute to the reforestation of the Ciénaga de Mallorquín ecosystem, turning the strategy into a community livelihood.

The nursery is run by 30 leaders and community members trained by Sena Emprende Rural (SER) in Urban Agriculture with an emphasis on Nursery Management.

“I am very happy that this project has reached my neighborhood because the garden will allow us to generate income while we produce in a more environmentally friendly way. I would like to highlight the commitment of the Red Cross and its partner Zurich to help this community move forward,” said Leony Noriega, a beneficiary of the project in Villa del Mar.

Simultaneously – said the Red Cross – aromatic, medicinal and vegetable species are being grown in the Community Garden in the Villa del Mar sector, in the La Playa district, to strengthen the livelihoods of this community.

“With this project, which also has scope in Antioquia and Cundinamarca, it has been possible to positively impact more than 12 thousand people in the Atlantic with training, supplies and equipment such as community alarm systems and flood response kits,” noted the organism.

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