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The search for Loan, live: Governor Valdés said that “a great step was taken in resolving the case”

The governor of Corrientes gave more details of Laudelina’s statement

Gustavo Valdés spoke about the Loan case

The governor of Corrientes, Gustavo Valdespublished a second message on the social network

As described by the president, the woman would have told how the events occurred on the afternoon of June 13 in the rural area of ​​the town of 9 de Julio.

Laudelina testified both before the Attorney General’s Office and before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Corrientes, and would have narrated what the events of the Loan Case were like. Everything that has been done is being sent to the Federal Justice so that it proceeds in accordance with the law,” added Valdés.

Twist in the Loan case: the aunt confessed that the child is dead and one version claims that it was an accident

Investigation sources confirmed to Infobae that Laudelina Peña admitted to justice that the minor died. Journalist Nicolás Wiñazki assured on Radio Miter that the woman had declared that she helped cover up the accident, caused by ship captain (RE) Carlos Pérez

By Maria Laura BalongaandFederico Fahsbender

The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña in Corrientes took an unexpected turn this Saturday: investigation sources confirmed to Infobae that “Laudelina Peña broke down and said that Loan is dead”, although they did not give details of the details in which his death would have occurred or where and how it occurred. The woman made the confession before prosecutor Gustavo Alejandro Robineau.

The governor of Corrientes said that “a great step was taken in the resolution of the Loan case”

The governor’s message

Gustavo Valdés, governor of the province of Corrientes, wrote a message on his X account in which he announced that the case of Loan’s disappearance would be resolved.

Without giving further details, the president said that “a big step was taken“to find out what happened to the five-year-old boy who went missing 16 days ago in a rural area of ​​9 de Julio.

A major step has been taken in the resolution of the Loan Case”Wrote Valdés on his X account.

Loan’s brother spoke: he revealed what he declared and pointed out against Laudelina

José, one of Loan’s brothers, testified yesterday before Mariano de Guzmán, federal prosecutor of Goya. After 15 days since the boy disappeared, it was the first time that the Justice Department called him to give his testimony as a witness.

In dialogue with A24, the young man revealed some details of what he spoke to the prosecutor. “They asked me what I saw, who I spoke to those days and things like that. I told what I knew, the truth“said José, who expressed surprise that this was the first time he was summoned to testify. “No one called me to testify until yesterday, being the brother. If the commissioner summoned me, I would go,” he lamented.

Among other things, the relative of the missing minor pointed out his aunt Laudelina Peña and said that it is not explained why he changed his story so many times in the different reports he provided in recent days.

“If Laudelina had been arrested from the beginning, the search would have been clearer. She confused all the media. She makes me angry about what she did. I talked to her, I don’t know why she said one thing, then another,” her brother said.

In addition, he expressed indignation at the last photo that was released yesterday Camiladaughter of Laudelina. “They never said they had that photo. I don’t know why it took them so long to give that information. If she was not to blame for anything, why not give that photo before? “They all lied from the beginning,” added José, who also confirmed his theory that Loan “was taken away.”

The Córdoba trail is still being investigated

Yesterday, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Córdoba announced that it is trying to establish whether Loan is (or was) in the capital of that province.

The investigation began from the complaint of a woman resident of the city who said that on June 26, around 5 p.m.saw a child of the same age and with physical characteristics as Loan, at the door of the neighborhood dispensary Bishop Angelelli.

The procedure is being conducted by the Investigative Prosecutor’s Office of District No. 1 of Córdoba, Shift 3, headed by José Mana, who is investigating whether Loan is in the provincial capital.

As officially reported by the Cordoba Public Prosecutor’s Office, multiple search and investigation measures were ordered “in order to corroborate or discard this information.”

Judicial sources indicated this morning Infobae that The clue provided by the resident of the city of Córdoba is still under investigation and for the moment it is not ruled out.

They separated the Corrientes Police and summoned the Buenos Aires Police to collaborate in the search

Cristina Pozzer Penzo, the federal judge in charge of the case for Loan’s disappearance, The investigation was removed from the Corrientes Policethen now only federal forces will intervene.

Argentine Naval Prefecture will be in charge of logistical issues, the National Gendarmerie will carry out the necessary operations in the field and the Argentine Federal Police will be in charge of the investigation itself.

In her request, the judge urged the head of the Goya Regional Unit to “order the cessation of investigative tasks by the personnel under his charge that could be developing around the alleged disappearance of the minor Loan Peña.”

For its part, the Ministry of Security of the province of Buenos Aires was summoned to join the work with personnel and technical resources. The focus is an area that has not yet been combed with drones, but has been checked with little effort on foot.

Loan’s disappearance: from the pain of every “urgent” on TV and the need for psychological support for María upon Fernando Burlando’s arrival at Goya

This Saturday, the lawyer who provides advice to the family of the 5-year-old boy who disappeared on June 13th arrives. Why was it necessary for the federal case to listen to the child’s closest circle?

The window of the prosecutor’s office through which María greeted the neighbors who marched to support her

Goya, Corrientes -special envoy-. The arrival of midnight was imminent and from the opposite sidewalk the lights of the first floor of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of the Corrientes city could be seen on. Goya. Already Maria He had greeted from that same window the neighbors who marched shouting Justice for his son Danilo Peña Loan. Even she and her husband, José, as well as two of her children, were heading to her house in the town of July 9th where LThe 5-year-old boy’s bed has been empty for 16 days.

Another chapter in the Loan case: from Aunt Laudelina’s mysterious trip to the Corrientes Police station

While Loan’s two brothers testified before the prosecutor in the case and thus completed the round of testimony of the missing boy’s inner circle; The judge delegated the tasks only to federal forces. All the details

After testifying for more than 5 hours, this is how José and Alfredo Peña, Loan’s brothers, left the federal prosecutor’s office in Goya

Goya, Corrientes -special envoy-. It was 100 minutes of rumors, bullfights and speculation. The departure of Laudelina Peñathe aunt of Loan Danilo Peña, from her home in the Corrientes town of 9 de Julio, together with her daughter and her lawyer in a gray car, fired a number of shots suspicions at dusk this Friday in the context of the case where the disappearance of the 5-year-old boy that occurred in the rural area of ​​Algarrobal on June 13 is being investigated.

The judge removed the Corrientes Police from the investigation

Cristina Pozzer Penzo, the federal judge in charge of the case for Loan’s disappearance, This Friday he removed the Corrientes police from the investigation.

From now on, Only federal forces will intervene. Argentine Naval Prefecture will be in charge of logistical issues, the National Gendarmerie will carry out the necessary operations in the field and the Argentine Federal Police will be in charge of the investigation itself.

In her request, the judge urged the head of the Goya Regional Unit to “order the cessation of investigative tasks by the personnel under his charge that could be developing around the alleged disappearance of the minor Loan Peña.”

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