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“The Bases Law attempts a structural change, but it will not solve the immediate crisis” – Paralelo32

In a recent conversation with Debate Abierto, economist Victoria Lambruschini shared her opinions on the Ley Bases and its implications for Argentina’s current economic situation.

Change in labor reform

Lambruschini stressed that “the most relevant aspect of this Ley Bases has to do with the change in the Labor Reform, where there are things that are a significant change.” According to the economist, some aspects of the law could be important in the context of this severe adjustment and could lead to other decisions in the future. However, she pointed out that, although the Ley Bases has elements that will have a significant impact, it is uncertain whether immediate results will be seen. “We are trying to produce a structural change and there is a blow to many historical achievements,” she indicated.

The debt crisis

The economist also addressed the country’s debt problem, stating that “Argentina has a mountain of debts and we do not have the money to pay them, the Bases Law is not going to solve that.” She stated that measures such as money laundering and personal assets could represent an improvement for the Central Bank, but that the crisis is so severe that it will take time to see the effects.

Lack of union defense

Lambruschini was critical of the union leaders, saying that “there is a specific problem that the highest representation of workers has not called attention to. Here we have a group of union leaders who have not defended the workers.” She pointed out that there have been political conspiracies to resist the law and that the mega crisis is causing a lot of damage. “The Ley Bases modifies a lot of laws and attempts to make a deep, structural change, but the relationship with the employer ceases to exist and that is not a minor thing,” she stressed.

Crisis and republicanism

The economist also warned about the critical situation facing the country: “People are having a very bad time and be careful because that is like lighting a match in a dry field, the situation is much more serious.” In addition, she linked the republicanism of some leaders with the current problems and the disorientation in society.

sacrifice in vain

Lambruschini expressed his skepticism about the prospects for improvement: “Many people hope that this sacrifice will be for something, but I think it will be in vain, things will not improve.” He said there is a problem of alternative leadership and a lack of proposals, and that the political crisis is of great magnitude.

Frigerio’s government

Regarding the provincial government of Frigerio, Lambruschini said that “it came with a speech of transformation and has had to change the road map because it is a poor government.” He indicated that Frigerio’s aspiration is to have a national projection, but he found himself with a province without resources that has had to make adjustments. “The government has a hard core and due to the measures it is going to get complicated,” he concluded.

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