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Two people die after colliding with animals in a rural area of ​​Riohacha

This is what the vehicle in which the two deceased people were traveling looked like.

Two people natives of the township of Villa Martin They died in the early hours of this Saturday when the vehicle they were travelling in violently collided with an animal that crossed the road as they were travelling along the artery that connects the municipality of Albania with the district of Riohacha.

The victims were identified as Arles Manuel Amaya Rodríguez driver of the vehicle, who was initially badly injured, trapped between the steering wheel and the chair; while Neider Aragon Master who was traveling as co-pilot, died immediately and the donkey.

To get Arles Manuel out of the vehicle, it was necessary to use tools specific to such cases and the collaboration of many men who came from various homes in the area. island hamlet. He was then transferred to the San Rafael Hospital in Albania.

There, the patient was admitted by his family to the emergency room of the healthcare center. He was conscious, but he only asked that they help him by giving him a painkiller because he my head hurt a lot.

Likewise, relatives also transferred the body of Néider Aragón Maestre to Albania and then took it to the Legal Medicine department in the municipality of Maicao, to perform the autopsy and to hand it over for a Christian burial.

Arles Manuel Amaya Rodríguez was stabilized and sent by ambulance as a vital emergency to the Saint Joseph Hospital in Maicaowhere he died while receiving medical attention near the 8:30 in the morning this Saturday.

It was unofficially learned that Amaya Rodríguez was celebrating with Néider Aragón Maestre, his wife’s uncle Ana Maria Aragon for him birth of a girl this Friday, June 28 and who was still confined in a care center in the capital of La Guajira.


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