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Questions to CDT secretary and director for trip to Brazil

The Secretary of Agriculture, José Francisco Sequeda, and the director of the livestock CDT, José Emilio Osoriotraveled to the state of Cearanortheast of Brazilwith the aim of knowing one of the most solid water resources management systems in that country.

Besides, According to the Cesar Governoratesought to “learn about the successful experience of this territorial entity in irrigation processes, with a view to replicating it, through the planning and formulation of projects to promote, from the departmental government, rural development in this territory.”

However, THE PYLON He learned that the trip caused discomfort in several agricultural sectors of the department because the officials were not accompanied by technicians and producers to transmit knowledge.

“They didn’t bring any producers or businessmen because each spot was worth, according to them, $20 million. So they’re just going for a walk?”They will return to replicate what they have learned in their own ventures.?”, commented a producer from the department of Cease under reservation.

“Two officials traveled who may not be there next year. They did not bring any producers or a technician in irrigation issues. They missed that opportunity for the Agrosavia researchers to travel. It was the opportunity to establish ties with Embrapa, the Brazilian research entity, which is light years ahead of us. It was the opportunity to be accompanied by ranchers who knew the successful experience of Ceará,” commented another union leader.


THE PYLON He tried to contact the Secretary of Agriculture to ask him why the producers did not travel to Brazil, but he did not respond to WhatsApp messages.

Through the official website of the Governor’s Office, he stated that the government team of the state of Ceará “is very open to continue working with the government team of Cesar.”

“They have understood that we have many aspects in common and They express their full willingness to contribute to our development through the exchange of experiences.“said the Secretary of Agriculture.

By Political Editorial

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