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Aysén Regional Government supports the construction of an Oncology Center in the Development Plan for Extreme Areas –

Regional Governor Andrea Macías Palma assured that both the Regional Government of Aysén and its Council will support the construction of a cancer center in the region, within the Development Plan for Extreme Zones (PDZE) 2024-2034. This decision was made after the presentation of Patricia Aburto, president of the Oncoaysén Group, who in the recent plenary session of the Council highlighted the need for this establishment and the campaign to collect signatures that managed to gather 5 thousand supports.

Aburto explained that the campaign was crucial, since cancer patients, due to their immunosuppressed condition, cannot participate in citizen dialogues or public demonstrations. In addition, he announced that together with the municipality they will convene an intersectoral health table to define the best strategies to materialize the project. This effort seeks to ensure that patients receive adequate medical care without having to travel far from their families.

Governor Macías reaffirmed her administration’s commitment to the creation of the cancer center, highlighting the need to avoid the uprooting and pain involved in treatment away from home. She also reported that she will convene an expanded commission of the Regional Council to analyze the projections of the project and seek avenues for collaboration. Macías highlighted that all health infrastructure will be included in the PDZE, thus ensuring compliance with the evaluation requirements. In addition, she mentioned a project being developed by the Division of Infrastructure and Transportation (DIT) for the conservation of the shelter for cancer patients, whose technical planning is already in process and will soon be reviewed by the CORE commissions.


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