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How will the LGBTIQ+ pride parade be held in Cali?

As is traditional, every June 28 the LGTBIQ+ community pays tribute to inclusion and diversity, to through Pride or International Gay Pride Day.

It is a colorful and striking parade that year after year, in addition to showing their talents artistic and performancesalso reflects on its realities through art.

This time, the event will take place this Sunday, June 30 in the city and will include artistic activities.

The tour

The organizers of the march in Cali say that first there will be a rally at the Plazoleta Jairo Varela, starting at 8 a.m., which will be accompanied by sports and recreational activities, artistic presentations and business exhibits.

There is also room for reflection and expression of messages.

Photo:Juan Pablo Rueda Bustamante

The parade is scheduled to start in the afternoon and will travel along the traditional 6th Avenue. It will have two stops (one on 15th Street and another on 38th Street), to finally reach the Parque del Amor, in the north of the capital of the Cauca Valley (6:00 pm)

“The Park of Love will be our experience center that will be open from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm on June 30 with lots of fun, gastronomy, culture and exquisite music. The closing of artistic shows will be at 6:00 pm, the time of Pride’s arrival,” they note from the Pride organization.


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