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New wave of layoffs in National Parks: 71 workers are left without jobs

“We are advancing in the non-renewal of 71 administrative contracts that expired,” This is how National Parks sources reported the new wave of layoffs RIO NEGRO Newspaper. In the official Government statement they stated that this is a measure that seeks to professionalize the structure and optimize resources. These are in addition to the 135 workers who have been laid off since the beginning of Javier Milei’s administration.

Last Thursday, the ATE union, on Public Employee Day, took to the streets to warn of a new wave of layoffs in national organizations. That day Patricia Reinahuel, general secretary of ATE Bariloche, stated that “There is a latent threat and the dismissal of 600 workers nationwide was announced. With unity and struggle we know that we can confront this government that came to take away rights.”

This morning, the National Parks Administration announced a new wave of layoffs. It is the “non-renewal of 71 administrative contracts that expired corresponding to employees appointed in the previous administration«, explained sources of APN to RIO NEGRO Daily.

These 71 layoffs are added to the 135 that were already reduced on December 10, 2023, with the start of Javier Milei’s administration. In total, there are 210 workers who are out of work.

In the official APN statement they stated the following: «It should be noted that between December 2019 and December 2023 the staff increased by 456 positions, of which only 106 were brigade members and 12 park rangers, with the remaining increase being 338 administrative positions under different hiring modalities.

And they announced that “51 park rangers will be incorporated and 50 new positions will be opened throughout the country, prioritizing their technical and professional capacity”, This lowered the premise of “the efforts to bring order to the institution, after years of apathy and lack of control.”

New wave of layoffs in National Parks: What did the state union ATE say?

Marcelo Rojas, ATE delegate in National Parksexposed the situation of uncertainty that is being experienced again in that organization, where layoffs were carried out at the end of March.

He reported that in the last week of June, the Parks authorities met with delegates, and “They stated that there would be a number close to 80 layoffs framed within a number that they propose as optimal for operation, a calculation that does not match what international organizations propose in terms of conservation, which is why it is arbitrary and justifies layoffs,” he said.

Rojas said that on Monday, July 1, many workers will be laid off and for now their future is unknown.These people are left without work, without compensation, without the most basic right to take a plate of food home.”, he remarked.

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