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What is the best vitamin to strengthen eyesight?

The feeling of tiredness in the eyes is one of the most common vision problems. This condition appears after prolonged exertion, generally in front of electronic devices. Other symptoms The symptoms that accompany this so-called computer vision syndrome are blurred vision, redness and headaches.

Blurred vision can be a symptom of serious eye diseases. | Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Vitamin A

This vitamin helps improve night vision and prevent some ophthalmological diseases, such as cataracts or age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Vitamin A is present in green leafy vegetables and carrots. It can also be found in dairy products, meats such as liver, and some fish (eel and conger eel). Some seafood, such as clams, cockles and cockles, are also an important source of vitamin A.

Carrot juice. | Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Vitamin B

The vitamin B complex, especially B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid, are essential in protecting the eyes from diseases that can degenerate vision. Also, If a person is deficient in vitamin B, they are more likely to suffer from sensitivity to light.eye inflammation and other conditions.

Vitamin C

This vitamin protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and helps prevent problems with the retina and lens. Some specialists claim that consuming 500 mg of this component per day reduces visual acuity loss by 19%. and 25% the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin C is present in green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and fruits such as oranges, lemons and kiwis.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is an antioxidant that helps delay diseases such as cataracts and AMD. This component is present in foods such as avocado, spinach, chard and some nuts. It is worth mentioning that one of the products that provides the most vitamin E is extra virgin olive oil.

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