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Solution to the state retirement system debt

Martin Rodriguez Ramírez, general secretary of Section 52 of the SNTE, asked the Congress that just as it is processing the reforms to the Pension Law proposed by the Executive, they should focus on finding a solution to the debt that the Executive has with the state retirement system.

The positionsaid the leader magisterialwas the same that was expressed in a meeting with legislators from the Finance Commission of the Congressheld this week, on the initiative sent by the State Executive to modify the provisions of article 28 of the Law on Pensions and Social Benefits for Workers in the Service of the State of San Luis Potosí.

From the start, he said, the commission magisterial established that he is pleased that Governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona has the intention of solving the problem that the General Directorate of Pensions is currently facing, but he noted that the initiative only impacts part of the problem that the telesecundaria sector directly presents, and does not to the situation that affects the Section 52 sector, which is the debt that the Ministry of Finance has with it.

The representatives magisterial They pointed out that “we, acting responsibly, proposed modifications so that we would have economic sustainability for the payment of pensions and retirements and other benefits framed in the law and that represent a sacrifice for active and retired colleagues, such as the years to be able to retire, women went from 28 to 33, and men from 30 to 35; the contribution base was increased to 14 percent, the regulatory salary of the last 10 years is established for the calculation of the pension, among others.

They also asked the deputies who are members of the Finance Committee to intervene so that, just as they are dealing with the modification of article 28, they can find a solution to the debt problem so that it can be settled as soon as possible.

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