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Deputies seek to recover the federalist legacy of Santa Fe

Deputy Mariano Cuvertino (United to Change Santa Fe) presented two bills to rescue key dates in the Santa Fe calendar linked to his pioneering role in the construction of federalism in our country and the consolidation of the national state.

The first is on June 29, in commemoration of the Congress of Free Peoples, where the representatives of the coastal provinces declared independence from Spain in 1815 and agreed to organize the country in a democratic, republican and federal manner. The second is on August 26, in memory of the approval of the constitution in 1819, which made Santa Fe the first province to have a written statute. Added to these two initiatives is the project presented by representative Varinia Drisun (United to Change Santa Fe), which establishes April 26 as the “Santa Fe Autonomy Day”, in commemoration of the designation, in 1815, of Francisco Antonio Candioti. , as the first governor of the province.

“Our province played a key role during the years following the May 1810 revolution and it was not simply about making its space and population available to the armies. In 1815, under the leadership of Artigas, what are today the provinces of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, Misiones and Córdoba met in a congress where they established the guiding principles of what is today our national organization,” said Cuvertino. “The delegates who participated, especially the one from Santa Fe, had precise instructions on the protection of provincial resources and on the importance of organizing a federal, integrated and inclusive country,” he added.

“Unfortunately, not only was this Congress silenced by those who wrote the official history, but over time, the entire role and ideas of the leaders of the central coastal region became overshadowed. “It is something that still has political consequences, because 200 years later we continue to demand more federalism, more presence of the productive interior and that the policies that are made at a desk in Buenos Aires take into account the reality of the entire country,” he continued.

Cuvertino highlighted that in recent years the figure of leaders such as Brigadier Estanislao López and Artigas has been prioritized, but it is necessary to make him more visible and return him to the leading role he had in his time. “Our projects seek to generate debates around these dates and by incorporating them into the school calendar at all levels of the province, educational activities can be implemented to promote the importance of federalism and artistic thought. We are even seeking to create a tourist circuit around the emblematic places,” he indicated.

Conference on Constitution and Federalism

To vindicate these milestones, a day of debate is also planned that will take place in the second part of the year and will be attended by specialists.

“I have always been passionate about history, my work in the legislature is tinged with this interest in defending the place of Santa Fe, which belongs to it by right and tradition. I believe that with these initiatives, which rescue what we were able to do in 1815 and 1819, the advanced social and political thinking developed on the coast is evident, which not only gives shine to our past but also turns out to be lighthouses that illuminate our present and show us the tasks pending to be completed,” he concluded.

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