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UNAB Viña del Mar held the Chile Paraswimming Cup – G5noticias

Students of the UNAB Viña del Mar Sports Coaching course were key in the realization of the competition, inserted in their training process through the subject of Adapted and Paralympic Sports.

The UNAB swimming pool, Viña del Mar [1] It was the setting for the Chile Para-Swimming Cup, an event that had the valuable management and participation of students from the Sports Coaching program. [2] from Andrés Bello University [1]who note in their professional training, specialization through the subject of Sports

Adaptive and Paralympic.

Martín Reyes, director of the Sports Coach Career [2] [2]Viña del Mar Headquarters [1]explained that “we are very happy to see how our students incorporate an inclusive approach in sport, in addition to seeing them play a prominent role in the structuring of the activity. This initiative had the participation and management of the __National Institute of Sport (IND)__ of the __Valparaíso Region__, generating positive ties for future instances of joint work.”_

Ángel Espinoza, professor at the Teletón Institute in Talca, was grateful to have been invited to this successful sporting event. _“The organization was very good, everything was well planned. We have kids who have been competing for years and others who are submitting to this requirement for the first time today,” he said. _“All our members achieved the podium in their categories, so we are even happier, and the families were very happy, since their children are doing what they like, their communication and social participation is expanded, they feel more confident themselves through paraswimming”_, he concluded.

A shared vision with Francisco Rojas, a specialized coach and teacher, who valued the “opportunity to learn and meet; the students interacted with outstanding Chilean para-swimmers, some of whom have represented the country in high-level competitions such as the youth and adult Parapan American games.”

An opportunity, in his opinion, that has become an essential space to promote values ​​such as inclusion and empathy among future sports professionals. “The experience exceeded all expectations, reflecting the commitment and passion that the students have invested in their academic training, reaffirming the importance of these events in their comprehensive development,” he said.

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