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This is the alternative to expand gas coverage in rural and remote areas of Córdoba

The Departmental Development Plan of Córdoba includes specific strategies to improve the coverage and quality of public services, with a special emphasis on bringing natural gas to rural and remote areas of the department that currently do not have this service.

According to data from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in 2023 the natural gas coverage in Córdoba reached 81.35%, which shows that there are still areas with limited access to this resource.

The areas most affected by the lack of coverage are mainly rural communities and territories furthest from urban centres.

To address this problem, the Development Plan proposes various actions and projects aimed at closing the gaps in the provision of natural gas service. One of the key strategies is the identification of viable alternatives to supply energy in those areas where traditional natural gas infrastructure is not available.

In this sense, the promotion of the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is proposed as a temporary and efficient solution for communities that do not have access to the natural gas network.

LPG is presented as a more accessible and easy-to-implement option in remote areas, since it can be transported and distributed without the need for fixed infrastructure.

In addition, the Development Plan includes technical and feasibility studies to determine the viability of extending the natural gas network to new areas. These studies will identify priority areas for expanding coverage and establish the necessary resources to carry out infrastructure projects. For this, 8,000 million pesos in royalties will be available.

Another important line of action is strengthening inter-institutional coordination between gas producing and distributing companies, government entities and beneficiary communities. The Plan seeks to promote spaces for dialogue and agreement to define joint strategies to overcome barriers and accelerate the expansion of natural gas coverage in the department.


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