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What you should know before traveling to Cuba in July

This June 27, the Cuban government announced important decisions that affect those who travel to the island. In this article, we update you on everything you need to know.

Authorities on the island took their time to confirm whether there would be an extension to the tariff exemption measure, implemented in July 2021, for basic products such as food, toiletries and medicines.

The validity of this provision ends tomorrow, Sunday, June 30, and just three days before, the new regulations in this regard were known.

What you should know before traveling to Cuba in July: main measures

1-The Ministry of Finance and Prices announced the extension of non-commercial importation, without limits on its value and exempt from customs payment of food, hygiene, medicine and health supplies, via passengers as accompanied luggage. The new deadline is now September 30. Yes, the government extends every three months.

Remember that if you travel to Cuba only with these products and your personal effectsyou will pass through the Green Channel and avoid declaring before Customs.

2- Until the same date (09/39), you can send, as unaccompanied luggagefood, toiletries, medicines and medical supplies. But there is a limit here: 500 USD or 50 kg.

3-Increase the number of kilograms that you can send to Cuba through packages. From two hundred US dollars it goes to five hundred dollars. Regarding the payment of Customs duties, you should know that the exemption is maintained for the first 30 USD or equivalent weight of three kilograms of the shipment. To the excess, the tariff rate thirty percent (30%).

4-You can send to Cuba, by air, sea and postal means and free of payment of tariffs, products that correspond to hygiene, medicines and medical supplies. There is also a limit here: 200 USD or equivalent weight up to twenty kilograms (20 kg).

Please note! Just because you don’t have to pay customs fees doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay the processing fees of the agency that will deliver your package to your beneficiary in Cuba.

5-In response to the blackouts, the Cuban Ministry of Finance and Prices also issued a resolution extending the authorization for the Importation of power plants high power.

The reference values ​​established for the non-commercial import of power plants to Cuba are the following:

  • Up to 900 watts: USD 200.00
  • Over 900 watts up to 1500 watts: USD 500.00
  • Greater than 1500 watts up to 15 kVA: USD 950.00

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