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Search for Loan Danilo Peña: Laudina, his aunt, confessed that the boy was run over

The case for the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña would have a unexpected turn after the declaration of Laudelinathe child’s aunt and partner of one of the detainees. In front of the provincial prosecutor, the woman would have reported that the child was run over by María Victoria Caillava and Carlos Pérez. Governor Gustavo Valdés spoke this Saturday about the story given by Loan’s family.

According to the aunt, at one point during the tour “He felt the impact of the couple’s van against something, which was the child.”

In turn, he stated that they told him that They were going to take him to the hospital.but he doesn’t know “what really happened to the body”

The woman also stressed that after the accident and before supposedly going to the hospital, they asked her to “Do not say anything”.

As reported by national media, sources of the case indicated that in the statement Laudelina would have explained that They gave him Loan’s shoe and Commissioner Walter Maciel was the one who planted it in the rural area.

In this way, Laudelina will have to reaffirm her statement before the Federal Court.

The The version of a possible accident was released in the last few hours when the Justice confirmed that they were going to be carried out new investigations into the cars seized from Caillava and Pérez.

The details of Laudina’s statement

During her statement, Laudelina Peña confessed that The couple – who are detained – ran over the baby at Catalina’s house and reported that she was threatened with death.

“I heard the noise of the crash and the truck braking. I saw when Pérez put Loan into the bed of the truck,” the woman said.

“Caillava told me to shut up because he was going to kill me.”ry asked me to keep looking for Loan. I met Caillava at a school, she gave me the shoe and the same afternoon she disappeared I put it on,” she noted.

Loan’s aunt said that former official María Victoria Caillava threatened her with death. Later, Laudelina added that she heard the noise of a crash and a very strong braking of a truck.

She was walking towards the orange grove along a different path and from that dirt road she saw the moment in which Perez lifts Loan’s body in an unconscious state and takes him to the back of the vehicle.

“An hour after watching that sequence, Caillava called me on the phone, I answered and we agreed to meet at a school,” declared the minor’s aunt. Strictly speaking, the call could be verified by the police, although its content was not accessed.

Search for Loan Danilo Peña: the message from the governor of Corrientes

Given the aunt’s testimony, Governor Gustavo Valdeswrote on his networks:

«Laudelina testified before both the Attorney General’s Office and the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of #Corrientes, and would have narrated how the events of the Loan Case occurred“, said the provincial leader.

“All the actions taken are being referred to the Federal Court for it to proceed in accordance with the law,” he added.

Source: NA, TN and La Nación

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