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Going on vacation this summer? Here are some tips to avoid accidents – El Sol de San Luis

Juan Daniel Rubio Hernández, state coordinator of the Medical Emergency Regulatory Center (CRUM) of the State Health Services, SES, advises to take care of accidents in this vacation process that has just begun in the state of Potosí, especially if you are planning to travel, the first thing that should be done is that citizens They must check their vehicle before leaving, not drive tired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, respect the signs, wear a seat belt and use child carrier systems.

Deaths and injuries caused by accidents are reported daily, mainly due to traffic accidents. 1.2 million victims die each year worldwide. Deaths and disabilities due to injuries from road accidents are a growing public health problem in Mexico. Every year more than 16 thousand people die in our country due to accidents.

The physical and emotional consequences, as well as the impact of health, social and economic costs, are devastating for individuals, families, communities and the country as a whole.

The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies five main factors that increase the risk of road traffic injuries: speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving tired or falling asleep, not wearing seat belts. of safety, and the lack of use of restraints for children.

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While data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, INEGI, indicate that the main causes of vehicle accidents are due to: driver, pedestrian or passenger, vehicle failures, poor road conditions. Cell phone use and text messaging are the most common cause of distraction-related accidents, he warned.

By using seat belts for all occupants, the possibility of suffering severe injuries in the event of an accident is reduced by 50 percent. The use of child carriers and the use of protective helmets for motorcyclists has been shown to reduce injuries by up to 70 percent.

The people of San Luis Potosí are invited to enjoy a healthy vacation, with happy memories and recollections, so it is necessary to prevent risks and accidents, for a happy return to their school and work activities; therefore, during this vacation period, the State Health Services in coordination with other emergency care agencies, will be alert to any emergency and will provide information on how to prevent accidents on the roads, at home and in recreational centers in the state. It is important to make good use of 911 in case of an emergency, in order to avoid prank calls, since this implies the mobilization of resources and the lack or delay of attention to people who really need it.

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