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Indigenous leader Eyber Danilo Poto Pazú murdered in Cauca

The situation of violence in Cauca continues to seriously affect indigenous communities. In the last few hours, the murder of Eyber Danilo Poto Pazú, a respected community leader from the San Francisco reservation, in the municipality of Toribío, has been reported. Eyber Danilo was kidnapped and murdered by FARC dissidents, according to reports from the Institute for Development and Peace (Indepaz).

Eyber Danilo, son of the Vice Minister of Ethnic Peoples and Nasa leader Nelson Lemus, was kidnapped on June 22 by members of the Dagoberto Ramos Front of the FARC while he was traveling in the El Tierrero sector in Toribío. Mauricio Lectamo, member of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (Cric), explained that “this community member was kidnapped by members of the Dagoberto Ramos Front, in the El Tierrero area of ​​the municipality of Caloto. Since then, the whereabouts of community member Eyber Danilo are unknown and, despite the efforts of the indigenous authorities and his family, he has not been able to return home.”

Besides: Carlos Alberto Tunubalá Sánchez arrested for brutal attack against indigenous community member in Cauca

The authorities and the indigenous guard intensified the controls in Toribío and in the neighbouring towns of Caloto, Jambaló and Corinto to try to locate Eyber Danilo. However, in the early hours of June 28, his lifeless body was found on the main road of the Tóez reservation, in the rural area of ​​Caloto. Mauricio Lectamo lamented: “Despite all efforts, we were unable to rescue our friend, who was taken to this road that connects this municipality with Corinto and then killed with a shot to the head.”

The murder of Eyber Danilo Poto Pazú highlights the persistent violence that affects indigenous communities in Cauca. The lack of effective protection by the Cauca government and the public forces leaves these communities in a situation of extreme vulnerability. It is crucial that strong measures be taken to protect indigenous leaders and ensure the safety of all inhabitants of the region.

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