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Frente Amplio on the verge of completing the merger: “We are strengthening ourselves to change Chile”

Social Convergence (CS) and Democratic Revolution (RD) will seal this Monday their long-awaited merger to become the single party Frente Ampliowhich will be the largest in the country with 62 thousand militants throughout the territory, not counting the 11 thousand militants of the former Comunes party.

Because of this, Social Convergence held its last meeting as a community this Saturday in the main hall of the University of Santiago, a symbolic place for that political sector, since it was where its coalition began in 2017 with Revolución Democrática.

The merger was highlighted by the president of CS, Diego Ibanezwho stated that “We have been working on dialogues at the national level for years and today that process culminates“.

The important thing is that we strengthen ourselves to change Chile“, said the parliamentarian, who also explained that “The Broad Front will begin an internal election process todayTherefore, we are going to put together a new board of directors and they are going to have all the responsibility of generating the design of alliances, work and proposals for to advance the changes that Chile needs“.

He also assured that the “Broad Front strengthens its position to change Chileto live better and we humbly hope to offer the best political alternatives to this new generation that is emerging and is here to stay.”

This weekend a cycle that brought together different left-wing political movements will endwhich began with the 2017 presidential elections and was strengthened with the 2021 elections, where Gabriel Boric was declared president-elect.

The provisional board of the new Frente Amplio will be headed by Ibáñez.


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