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Support for the Cuban Revolution is reaffirmed in the municipality of Camagüey (+ Photo)

Camagüey, June 29.- Hundreds of residents of the Camagüey municipality of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes gathered this Saturday in the Julius Fucik square of the House of Culture of that town to reaffirm their support for the Cuban Revolution, to its sovereignty and the principles of solidarity, an inalienable part of Cubans.

The reaffirmation act was chaired by political and governmental authorities of the province and that Camagüey territory. Representatives of political and mass organizations were also present.

Young people from different educational levels raised their voices in support of the Palestinian cause and against the genocidal US blockade imposed for more than six decades against the Cuban nation, and also reaffirmed their faithful continuation of the revolutionary work to defend its achievements.

Other sectors of Cespedeño society were also represented, such as educators dedicated to the tasks of the Revolution, workers committed to food production, and the Cuban Workers’ Union (CTC) with the intervention of its general secretary in the municipality, Gertrudis Oconor Barthelemi, who demonstrated the willingness of the working class to defend the homeland and social programs in favor of the people.

Jubilation and happiness characterized the act of revolutionary reaffirmation that took place this Saturday in the municipality of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, where an agricultural fair was also held to greet the beginning of summer 2024 in that Agramonte territory. (Text and photos: Gleibis Gómez Durva/Radio Cadena Agramonte)


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