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Marina Marlin International: Rediscovering the Bay of Santiago de Cuba

Elizabeth Ruiz Guardia, deputy commercial director of Marina Marlin Internacional Santiago de Cuba, has shared with Excellencies the objectives and services that the marina offers, within the framework of the 19th. ExpoCaribe 2024 International Fair.

With the purpose of promoting and marketing the Marlin product of Santiago de Cuba, the company is dedicated to operating nautical services and marinas, ensuring a safe and enriching experience for all its visitors.

Located in the strategic bay of Santiago de Cuba, the Marina Marlin guarantees its visitors, both sea and land, a safe port. This bay, with a rich history and a privileged geographical location, becomes the perfect setting for the services offered by the marina. Elizabeth especially highlights the bay’s naval history, including the famous naval battle of July 3, 1898, traces of which are still scattered throughout the bay.

In collaboration with Vicente González, president of the Asociación Patrimonio Subacuático, Marina Marlin works hard to preserve and promote this heritage. One of the star services is diving, which allows visitors to dive and experience first-hand the history of the naval battle that took place there in 1898. This unique experience not only offers a historical tour, but also allows participants to understand and feel the magnitude of the events that occurred in those waters.

In addition to historic dives, Marina Marlin offers a wide range of services to its visitors. From docking and mooring to water, electricity, fuel and customs assistance, the Marina makes sure that all visitors feel safe and well looked after. They also offer captaincy and visa services, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Marina Marlin not only focuses on technical services, it also offers recreational activities such as tours around the bay. These include narrations about the history of the majestic Morro Castle, culminating in a spectacular view of the sunset from a boat, accompanied by national music and a drink included.

There are three nautical points at the Brisas Sierra Mar and Los Galeones hotels, and at the Marina Marlin Santiago de Cuba. These points offer rentals of non-motorized nautical equipment such as water bikes and catamarans, which are especially popular among foreign and local visitors.

One product that Marina Marlin is actively promoting is snorkeling tours. These allow you to explore the underwater beauty of the bay of Santiago de Cuba, offering an accessible and exciting experience for both international tourists and national visitors.

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