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Cristina Kirchner shared a note from Página|12 | “Precise and objective analysis… unmissable”

The former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recommended on his social networks a note published this Saturday in Page|12. “A week that explains Argentina. Precise and objective analysis… unmissable,” she said.

The note in question is “Explanation”from the journalist Luis Brushsteina reflection on how the sanction of the Law Bases with the attempted murder of the former vice president on September 1, 2022.

The former president highlighted a series of fragments in which Brushtein points out that “the approval of the Law Bases It is the consequence that finally the Three republican powers have been devastated by the powers that be included at the top of the social pyramid, a sector of capital concentrated in alliance with transnationals”.

The billwhich even the government itself could not justify or defend in Congress, which was handed over with a bow by economist Federico Sturzenegger, It was developed in the law firms of major corporations.

“Each one did what was convenient for their clients. Neither the economic power nor the law firms are part of the republican powers. They are de facto powers, just like the traditional media and networks. Shortly after recovering democracy, established an intense tension between the republican powers and the de facto powers,” says Brushtein.

It is those same powers, continues the journalist of this newspaper, who saw Cristina Kirchner as an obstacle to achieve its goal. “When Patricia Bullrich She was president of the PRO, she refused to repudiate the attempted murder of Cristina Kirchner – she notes in another fragment shared by CFK -. At that point the democratic contract was broken established when the dictatorship was removed. Those who celebrated, those who remained silent, those who minimized, were complicit in the hate speech that they had installed in society and that culminated in that attack”.

Brushtein also highlights how when investigating the attack “the researchers deleted the cell phones of the attackers and all the people involved” and the political connections or financing of these far-right organizations were never investigated, despite the fact that “It was known that one of its main leaders received a lot of money from Caputo family companies.“.

And he concludes: “In the same week that the trial for the attempted murder of Cristina Kirchner began – ignored by the media corporations – the Bases law was approved. The trial, a consequence of the hate speech fueled by those who wanted to outlaw and eradicate an obstacle to their interests. And the approval of the Base Law, the consecration of those interests. A week that explains Argentina“.

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