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The economist closest to Javier Milei, harsh against the IMF: They are shameless

He also stated that “There is no rush to remove the exchange rate restrictions” and that “those who are in trouble are the people who predict something different from what I have been predicting.”

Regarding economic activity, de Pablo stressed that “all the statistical data tells you that in April you hit rock bottom and you are recovering,” and added: “If you look at the numbers, INDEC informed you that in the first quarter the GDP fell 2.6% compared to the last quarter of last year,” he indicated.

”It’s stupid that they’re going to give the Nobel Prize to Milei”

The economist also referred to the president’s statements, where he explained that if he is successful they should give him the Nobel Prize in Economics: “One year in advance the Foundation sends letters with the candidates, there are five types left and they are chosen with a monograph of each what would be rewarded. “It’s stupid that they’re going to give the award to Milei, I don’t know why he said it, it doesn’t matter.”.

Furthermore, de Pablo pointed out that if people are afraid for their money, they should continue with the fixed term: “If the fear is that the bank will take the money from you, I continued with the fixed deadline“.

Regarding the promises made by Milei during his campaign, de Pablo said that “when you are President, the tasks are dictated by circumstances. It would be dramatic if he were arrested for what he said when he was a candidate.” “When you have an executive responsibility, you have to deal with reality“, he said.

And he recalled that Argentina is “a presidential country, so that it is not, you have to kill him, have him have a heart attack or be impeached. Moral: he is going to be President. Do I like him? I like him, don’t you like him? That’s your problem.”

Luis Caputo announced a plan to go towards zero emissions

“To the zero deficit we are going to add zero emission,” The Minister of Economy pointed out, Luis Caputo, in a press conference he gave this Friday together with the president of the Central Bank (BCRA), Santiago Bausili, confirming what was anticipated by Ambit, in which he referred to what he called “the second stage of the stabilization plan.”

In substance, The total elimination of the BCRA’s paid liabilities will be sought, which will pass to the Treasury, making the Government’s fiscal commitment more demanding.The head of the Treasury Palace stated that These measures “will have a positive impact on people because they reinforce disinflation.”

Following the announcements, sources from the International Monetary Fund They pointed out: “We welcome the measures announced by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, and the president of the Central Bank, Santiago Bausili, to reinforce the monetary policy framework.”

Caputo began his presentation by stating that the Government received “the worst inheritance in history”, with a deficit of 5 points in the Treasury and 10 in the Central Bank. But he said that “the crisis could have been avoided” and I add “We received a patient in intensive care and today we are recovering.”

The minister considered that in these conditions a “shock program was required and that is what we did.” He recalled that “we went to fiscal balance from day one, something unprecedented” and stressed that “The fiscal deficit was always at the heart of the problem” Argentine economy. In this sense, he highlighted the “enormous conviction of the President” to carry out this policy, but also taking into account the situation of the most vulnerable sectors.

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