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What is known about the deaths of the prisoners in La Plata and what is the SPB’s version?


The SPB investigates the mysterious deaths in Unit No. 9 of La Plata, which took place in just 2 days.

They also point out a difference regarding the reasons for these deaths. They explained that the three deceased were housed in three different wards and that they were treated by the doctors on duty at the Health Department, while one of them was sent to San Martín Hospital, where he died shortly after.

According to the version given by the prison authorities, andIn all cases, the Justice Department intervened, from where they ordered the autopsy operation and “it was not reported that they were “drug poisoning”.

Unit 9 houses nearly 500 detainees with serious pathologies Unit 9 houses nearly 500 detainees with serious pathologies

On the other hand, they discredited reports of the existence of twelve other inmates due to alleged poisoning in the Prisoner’s Ward who were part of the security forces. “There was no extramural transfer, none of that happened,” was the response. They also confirmed that the SPB is at the disposal of Justice to collaborate in the investigation and provided significant information: “In Unit 9, nearly 500 detainees with serious pathologies are housed.”

CPM information

“We were informed of the death of a detainee. This is a person who may have suffered some type of intoxication or poisoning, it is doubtful.”the lawyer and Executive Secretary of the CPM had explained, Roberto Cipriano Garciain dialogue with Argentinian time. And along the same lines he elaborated: “They also informed us of two other deaths, but in this case they explained that they were detainees who had different illnesses, that’s what the prison authorities told us; but we still did not have access to the causes.”

The initial version – which differs from what the SPB says – indicated that the deaths occurred on June 11 and 12. The detainee who suffered the most dubious death was called Juan Manuel Libertowas 45 years old, had been convicted and had been sentenced to life in prison for murdering by beating -along with Hector Mario, Rodrigo Emidio Chaparro, Gerardo Rodolfo Luna and Victor Miguel Gallego– to the detainee Patricio Barros Cisneros in the Unit N°46 of San Martinon January 28, 2012.

Liberto was currently serving his sentence in pavilion 16 B of Unit No. 9 located at 10th and 76th, which is used to house former members of the security forces.

The other two deaths occurred because the prisoners were sick. One in pavilion 11 and the other in 13, which are used for inmates who profess evangelicalism. Another twelve prisoners were also urgently admitted from pavilion 14 B, who have already been discharged and are back in the prison.

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Members of the prison population of the aforementioned prison unit denounce the tragedy took place “because in the pavilion where the former security forces are located there is a gang that sells drugs of all kinds.”

“Liberto was given adulterated cocaine, we have no doubt about that. We also believe that the other two deaths and the twelve hospitalizations for heart disease were due to the same cause,” Other prison sources quoted by Argentinian time.


In addition to the three dead, there were twelve other poisoned people in Unit No. 9 of La Plata.

“(This gang) has arrangements with the prison authorities and they are trying to cover everything up, that is why they try to report everything that happened in 2 days as isolated cases, but in reality they are all related”adds the source cited by the media and adds: “Many of us knew Liberto and we know that they killed him, as they did with the other boys, because he had told us something about what was happening in his ward.”

The report concludes by saying that the current situation in the prison is very tense and that the prison guards have reportedly asked the former police officers who are part of the targeted drug gang for money in order not to initiate internal investigations and cases against them.

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