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Man throws a puppy into a saucepan with boiling oil in Tecámac; The dog dies and the attacker escapes VIDEO

TecamacMex.- A man apparently under the influence of alcohol and armed, threw a dog to a saucepan that boiled with oil and due to the burns he suffered died on the spot.


In a video broadcast on social networks by the association Forlorn Furry, is observed when a subject leaves a Butcher shop and takes a dog that was outside the business with another dog and throws it in the pot where they prepare the chicharrón.

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The man then gets into a white Pointer-type Volkswagen vehicle, while another man comes out to see that the animal is inside the bucket and tries to help it out.

According to the Tecámac Civil Guard report, the events occurred yesterday after noon in the San Pablo Teacalco neighborhood, on Benito Juárez street, where the butcher shop with the company name “Chucky” is located.

The officers belonging to that quadrant received a call because a man disturbed the order in a butcher shop.

When the owner of the establishment arrived, he told them that a man in an aggressive, drunken mode, armed with a firearm, insulted him and warned him that it was better for him to close the butcher shop and never come back.

The stranger took a knife with which they cut meat and put it to the owner’s neck so that he understood that the threat was serious.

Then he left the premises and that’s when he grabbed the dog and threw it into the boiling pot. After doing so, she continued to threaten the business owner.

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When the Tecámac police arrived, the man had already left the site.


Peludos Desamparados announced on his social networks that the dog did not survive, so they demand that the person responsible for his death be arrested.

The elements of the National Guard took the owner of the butcher shop to the facilities of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Mexico to denounce what happened.

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