First look at Nostalgia, the new emotion of ‘Inside Out 2’

Inside Out 2 It is one of Disney’s most powerful bets in 2024. Pixar’s new film will continue one of its most acclaimed works. The starting point is most suggestive, since the film will once again focus on Riley Andersen, but this time not as a girl but as a teenager. This implies changes in her psyche that will make her develop new emotions. A process that will be addressed in the film with the depth and precision to which the company is accustomed.

Until now, the past trailers for Inside Out 2 They had shown us up to 4 new characters that would accompany the emotions of the first installment. These were Anxiety, Envy, Ennui and Shame. All of them aim to completely revolutionize the head of Riley. But now, a television advertisement has shown the fifth new emotion: Nostalgia.

His presence in the film had been practically confirmed for months. However, until now Pixar had not shown a single image of her in Inside Out 2. This has finally changed in the brief promotional piece that has already begun to circulate on social networks. And it is that Nostalgia She is nothing less than an adorable and friendly old woman in gray and with striking pink glasses.

Who is Nostalgia in Inside Out 2?

The actress who plays Nostalgia In its original version it is the veteran June Squibb. At 94 years old, she is a regular in supporting roles in multiple films and series. She was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for Nebraska (2013). He has also worked on The Age of Innocence, Alice, Essence of woman either About Schmidt, among many other tapes. And in series it appears in Law, House, The Big Bang Theory, Shameless, glee, Modern Family and many others.

As a voice actress, Inside Out 2 It won’t be the first experience either. Squibb, precisely. Only with Disney has he also collaborated in the last decade on great hits such as Ralph breaks the Internet, toy story 4 and Soul. He will now step into the shoes of what aims to be one of the most endearing characters in the entire Pixar factory.

Inside Out 2 opens in theaters on June 19.

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