Reviews: Special Argentine Cinema: reviews of “After a Good Day”, “Mixtape La Pampa” and “The Changing of the Guard”

After a good day (Argentina/2024). Director: Néstor Frenkel. With Enrique Torres, Anabella del Boca, Aníbal Silveyra, Magrio González and Andrea del Boca. Production: Sofía Mora. Photography: Diego Poleri. Music: Gonzalo Córdoba. Sound: Gino Gelsi. Executive Production: Aníbal Garisto. Duration: 84 minutes.

A good day was since its commercial premiere in November 2010 and for a long time bullied to the point of being considered by some as the worst Argentine film in history. But, as happened with Plan 9 from outer space (1959), by Ed Wood, or The Room (2003), by Tommy Wiseau, after the resounding initial failure, it eventually became an object of cult and adoration by thousands of fans.

Always attentive to these popular phenomena, Néstor Frenkel takes seriously and jokingly at the same time the story of the film directed by Nicolás del Boca, written by Enrique “Quique” Torres and starring Aníbal Silveyra and Lucila Solá with the participation of Andrea of Boca, but also of everything that was generated later with an unstoppable snowball effect.

After a good day It is, yes, the portrait of the legion of fans (or Appreciation Group) of the film who have organized thousands of screenings and activities, each one more crazy and creative than the other, but above all of a family of artists that finds in Quique Torres the most fascinating character: an emigrant, a sensationalist journalist, a screenwriter of very successful soap operas with Andrea del Boca (without ever having studied a script), a snake charmer, a hustler, a divine blackmailer who moves with pure sympathy and self-confidence.

Beyond the participation of Anabella and Andrea del Boca, and Aníbal Silveyra who seems to be in another register that is much more affected and recharged, it is Torres who somehow leads the story and elevates it above the average of this type of documentaries. celebratory. Near the end, he even dares to tell the synopsis of a good nightcontinuation of A good day. Keep the party going.


At MALBA (Av. Figuroa Alcorta 3415):
Friday June 7, 14, 21 and 28, at 10 p.m.
At 8pm it is projected A good day (2010) in 35mm.

At the El Cairo cinema in Rosario (Santa Fe 1120):
Friday the 7th, Saturday the 15th and Friday the 21st, at 8:30 p.m.

At the Cultural San Martín (Sarmiento and Paraná):
Saturday June 8, 15, 22 and 29, at 10 p.m.

Néstor Frenkel Retrospective at El Cultural San Martín:
The great simulator (2013): Saturday 8th, at 8pm.
Looking for Reynols (2004): Sunday the 9th, at 4:00 p.m.
The winners (2016): Saturday the 15th, at 8 pm.
Construction of a city (2008): Sunday the 16th, at 4 p.m.
Amateur (2011): Wednesday the 19th, at 8 pm.
The visionaries (2021): Saturday 22nd, at 8pm.
The market (2014): Sunday the 23rd, at 4 p.m.
It’s Christmas all year round (2018): Thursday the 27th, at 8 pm.
The bullring (2022): Saturday 29th, at 8pm.
The Livingston Method (2019): Sunday the 30th, at 4 pm. Directed by Sofía Mora with production by Néstor Frenkel.

Mixtape La Pampa (Argentina-Chile/2023). Script and direction: Andrés Di Tella. Photography: Dario Schvarzstein. Edition: Valeria Racioppi. Sound: Roberto Espinoza. Production: Gema Juárez Allen, Clarisa Oliveri, from Gema Films (Argentina). Co-production: Paola Castillo Villagrán, from Errante (Chile). Duration: 104 minutes. In the Lugones Room (Av. Corrientes 1530): Thursday the 6th, Friday the 7th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th, at 8:30 p.m.; Tuesday the 11th, Wednesday the 12th and Thursday the 13th, at 6pm. From June 13th: Gaumont, Cine Club Municipal Hugo del Carril (Córdoba) and other theaters in the country.

Director of Montoneros, a story, Forbidden, Television and me, Photographs, The devil’s country, ax blows, 327 notebooks, private fiction and Diaries He abandons the more familiar essays for this one that delves into the exciting story of William Henry Hudson (aka William Henry Hudson)… and much more.


The changing of the guard (Argentina/2024). Script, editing and direction: Martín Farina. With José Chiariello, Héctor Luconi, Norberto Farina, Juan Carlos Gnemmi, Jorge Dos Santos, Omar Figueira and Bernardo Fitzsimons. Photography and camera: Martín Farina and Tomás Fernández Juan. Sound: Lucas Page and Martín Farina. Music: Juanito El Cantor, Jorge Barilari. Duration: 72 minutes. At MALBA (Av. Figuroa Alcorta 3415), on Saturdays June 8, 15, 22 and 29, at 10 p.m.The director of fullboy, nomadic woman, God’s children and The glare He records and reconstructs the long friendship between his father and other men who did military service together during the dictatorship. Winner of the award for Best Feature Film in the Argentine Competition of BAFICI 2024, where it also obtained the SAE / EDA distinction from the editors and the ASA from the sound engineers.


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