Pixar will take into account advice from Mexicans to Riley for Inside Out 3

Pixar will take into account advice from Mexicans to Riley for Inside Out 3
Pixar will take into account advice from Mexicans to Riley for Inside Out 3

“No Riley, and wait until you see that he was online and didn’t answer you.”

Emotional Brain.- Pixar is already considering taking into account the advice that many Mexican women have given to Riley on the networks after the premiere of “Intensely 2.”

And it is after having seen the sequel to the Pixar film, Mexicans have felt identified with the new emotion “Anxiety” that makes the protagonist Riley become hysterical for no apparent reason, which has given rise to a whole mechanic of “ prepare it” for what is coming in life.

This has created a dynamic in which netizens are giving Riley advice, something that has caught the attention of the studio which now has several ideas in case they ever decide to make the third part of the saga.

The movie “Inside Out” has made many people give Riley advice

“No, Riley, wait…”, read thousands of messages accompanied by generic situations that girls have to experience in our modern world, and which they estimate will happen to the girl sooner or later with her emotions “on edge”.

There has been so much advice that people have sent to Riley cosmically that even Pixar is already considering making a compilation of those messages, so that at least they can be published in some short film that is made of “Inside Out.”

And to be up to date: an Argentine made fun of the state of Atlanta where the Copa América is being played.

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