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Has Star Wars broken Anakin Skywalker’s origin canon?

The third episode of The Acolyte is now available on Disney+ and has left an unexpected revelation. The new series of Star Wars has as protagonists osha and mae, two twin sisters from the planet Brendok. Until now, very little was known about their past beyond the fact that they separated and that both believed the other was dead. But in the new chapter an explanation has been given to its true origin. Something that clashes head-on with the pre-established canon of the saga.

As shown in the series, osha and mae They lived in a coven of witches exiled on the aforementioned planet. The leader was Mother Aniseya, with whom they share a last name. That’s why many assumed it was her mother. But when the Jedi arrive at the scene, the Teacher Indara Ask about the father. “They have no father,” the witch snapped. A very familiar response to which, however, at that moment the Jedi do not give much importance. But a few scenes later, the sorceresses themselves The Acolyte They confirm the suspicions that had been generated in the fans.

When some of them debate whether to allow osha and mae do the Jedi tests, the Mother Koril is completely opposed. And she justifies it by ensuring that she is actually the girls’ biological mother. A surprising script twist since the protagonists of The Acolyte are human while she is zabrak (the species of Darth Maul), as evidenced by the spikes on its head. “I didn’t bring girls into the world so that a bunch of crazy monks would take them from us,” he tells her. Koril to Aniseya.

“I took them inside,” she insists, because the leader of the witches has decided that osha I can take the Jedi exam. “And I created them,” he answers. Aniseya. “And what will happen if the Jedi find out how you created them?” he then replies. Koril. The conversation ends there, but the subtext is evident. osha and mae They don’t have a father because Aniseya He used his Force powers to alter the midichlorians and breed them in the womb of Koril. A reality with which The Acolyte comes into possible conflict with the canon of Star Wars.

The Acolyte is the new Star Wars series

A former padawan He reunites with his Jedi Master to investigate a series of crimes, but discovers that the forces they face are more sinister than they ever anticipated.

The origin of Anakin Skywalker

Returning to the phrase about the protagonists of The Acolyte They don’t have a father, the conversation between them inevitably comes to mind. Qui-Gon Jinn and Shmi Skywalker in Star Wars: Ep. I – The Phantom Menace. “There was no father. I carried him inside her, I gave birth to him, I raised him. “I don’t know how to explain what happened,” she explained to the Jedi about her son. Anakin. With those words, George Lucas established that Anakin Skywalker He had been sired by the Force. A Christlike quality that in the eyes of Qui-Gon made him the Chosen One of the prophecy.

Later, in Star Wars: Ep. III – Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine I told Anakin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. By doing so, she assured him that this villain had become so powerful in the Dark Side of the Force that he could even create life. A teaching that he transmitted to his apprentice, himself Palpatine, who later murdered him. In that fable it is left out that it was the Emperor who altered the midichlorians to engender Anakin in the belly of shmi as the beginning of his Machiavellian plans for domination of the entire galaxy. Later, a comic seemed to confirm it, although one of his editors later denied it. In any case, it is the most widespread and accepted theory by fans.

Be that as it may, the truth is that Anakin He had no father but his origin comes from the Force itself. Something that until now was unique and made it special. That’s why he was always the Chosen One. But with the revelation of The Acolyteit turns out that in the universe Star Wars there are more virgin births. At least a priori, well Leslie Headlandthe creator of the series, has promised new twists on the origin and past of osha and mae in the next chapters.

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The fourth episode of The Acolyte premieres on Disney+ on Wednesday, June 19 in Spain, the night of Tuesday the 18th in Latin America.

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