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from Roman Holiday to Jaws

Summer movies that transport you to the hottest season of the year in the blink of an eye: idyllic Holidays in Rome to the traumatic Shark.

In search of ideal movies to review in summer? You have come to the right place: we offer you seven films of different genres that take place in the summer and in which, in fact, the summer season is essential.

We have already warned you that, in some cases, you will feel like packing your suitcase and taking a plane to visit certain tourist destinations but, on other occasions, you will not want to step on the sand on the beach or get your feet wet. sneak into the sea… because of the killer sharks, more than anything.

And there are no two films more antagonistic than Holidays in Rome and Shark. In fact, probably the only thing they share is the season in which they occur. If one is an endearing film, shot in black and white and with a romantic undertone, the other is pure adrenaline thanks to the masterful soundtrack by John Williams, the editing and the nerve of a superb Spielberg.

So much so that they have another similarity: the number of Oscar awards they share. Each of them received three statuettes.

Traumatic on another level was the most recent film that we have included in the list: the magnificent adaptation call me by your name, which described a torrid romance. A first love, much more innocent, was the one they told us in my girl. And what a delicious soundtrack!

But if there is something that matches the summer spirit, it is friendship and the concept of “hitting the growth spurt” that they combined in an unforgettable way. The Goonies and Count on metwo very different films that through adventure drew the relationships between the characters and their need to join forces for a greater good.

The epitome of summer cinema is, who knows why, They call him Bodhi. It is a film that caused a sensation and that led us to see the surfer vein of Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves. There was even a failed remake that failed to reach that he ne sais quoi that has the tape.

And here is our list of the best movies that take place in summer…There are thousands more, but these are essential.

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