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Batman joins his perfect Marvel replacement in an incredible unexpected merger

A surprising fan art brings together Bruce Wayne with his best counterpart in the Marvel Universe

Bruce Wayne is the best detective found in DC

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Comparisons between many characters from different publishers are always taken for granted, but there are many of them that are more similar than you imagine. In this sense, the hero of Marvel which has often been considered as the perfect counterpart to DC’s Batman possibly not the hero many fans would assume. You may be thinking about Tony Stark And, in part, you are completely right. Hombre de Hierro is compared to batman for the many similarities they share. As another millionaire who uses his own technology to become a superhero, Iron Man could be a more than obvious choicebut it is still not the best choice one can make on this issue.

A surprising fan art brings together Bruce Wayne with his best counterpart in the Marvel Universe

One of the best heroes Marvel with which you can compare someone like batman is none other than Iron Fist. Now, an X user has made it much more evident through fan art that represents the perfect combination of the two. Creation has been called Daniel Wayne, Also baptized as The Iron Bat. The fan art in question brings to light all the similarities that could go unnoticed between batman and Iron Fist in their design, but the origin of both is a good reason to compare them.

Although at first it may not seem like it, both Bruce Wayne and Danny Rand are two rich orphans whose hero’s journeys began to shape after they both watched their parents die. Maybe the origin story of batman seems better known, but the Danny Rand it may even be darker for many other people. On a trip to Himalayas with his family, a young Danny Rand He saw his father die after the betrayal of an old friend. Shortly after, Danny Rand witnessed how a pack of wolves put an end to his mother’s life.

Both became the legitimate heirs to their rich fortunes, but they also grew hating the men who killed his parents. In their first moments as heroes, Bruce Wayne and Danny Rand They seemed to be blinded by revenge, as they showed their desire to kill their parents’ murderer. The passage of time made them open their eyes to adopt that iconic rule of not killing. Both heroes chose to take a non-lethal approach towards their enemies, rather than continue the same dark path that ended the lives of his parents.

Maybe the most logical comparison among the characters of Marvel and D.C. be the one that falls on the shoulders of Bruce Wayne and Tony Starkespecially since the latter also shares similarities with the bat of Gotham being, furthermore, much better known than Iron Fist. However, that tragedy gave meaning to their career as superheroes, so he came to define them during his complex childhood. That alone is reason enough to justify an important common thread that clearly defined the life of batman and Iron Fist.

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