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With stress, anxiety and happiness: promotional for the movie “Intensely 2” is stolen in Mexican cinemas

Promotional for “Intensamente 2” stolen Credits: (EsdeProfugos)

Last Thursday June 13 the movie was released Inside Out 2a work awaited by all fans of Disney Pixar Because it is the continuation of the first installment where Riley and her emotions were met while she was a child, in this new installment she is seen as a teenager.

The first part was released in 2015, so since the sequel was announced caused great furor and expectation among people, there were even those who attended to see the film and also took the opportunity to take a souvenir, the official promotional of the feature film.

The first installment hit theaters in 2015 (Special)

It was through a video that was shared through the social network

The video was recorded outside a branch of the Cinépolis chainwhen from one moment to the next you can see that inside a man approaches one of the promotional ones and from one moment to the next he takes it.

Once the man manages to get the cardboard object to come out through one of the glass doorsimmediately runs until he reaches the inside of a motor vehicle.

When the man manages to reach the unit, the car immediately accelerate to avoid being intercepted by one of the cinema workers.

A man can be seen fleeing after stealing the cardboard promotional Credits: (X/EsdeProfugos)

Some users of the internet world expressed their disapproval to this action and some of the comments that were read are: “it’s sad for others”, “far from making people laugh, it makes people cringe”, “they are surely the first to say that it is expensive to go to the cinema and they sneak food in”, “ You have to ask for that advertising and they will give it to you” and “that doesn’t seem funny.”

Intensely is an animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The story follows Riley, an 11 year old girlwhose life takes an unexpected turn when his family moves away from Minnesota to San Francisco due to his father’s job. The main plot takes place in Riley’s mind, where her personified emotions (Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger) work in a control room inside her brain to guide her through the new situation. .

“Inside Out” shows the way Riley’s emotions work (Disney Studios LA)

Every emotion plays a crucial role in Riley’s life. Joy, the leader of the group, always tries to keep Riley happy, while Sadness, although often misunderstood, also plays an important role in allowing Riley to process difficult experiences. During the move, an incident in the control room causes Joy and Sadness to be expelled into the labyrinth of Riley’s inner mind, leaving Fear, Disgust, and Anger in charge.

As Joy and Sadness try to find their way back, Riley experiences a rollercoaster of emotions. Joy and Sadness’ journey through the deepest areas of Riley’s subconscious reveals how memories, personality, and emotions are interconnected. Through this journey, the film explores topics such as personal growththe importance of all emotions and how they contribute to a balanced life.

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