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Fury Road’ and gives the worst possible news to fans of the franchise

We already sensed it after the box office of ‘Furiosa’, but don’t worry: George has millers for other projects

We have to start being honest with ourselves about the state of the Mad Max saga. Yes, we are all very fond of the original trilogy and we know that ‘Furious Road’ was something very special, but everything seems to indicate that the chase, after ‘Furiosa’, has hit an absolute halt.

George Miller is now 79 years old and the fifth film in the saga has been a hit at the box office that will have half the revenue of the previous film. AND It doesn’t seem like Warner is willing to continue throwing money away.

Not so mad nor so max

The person in charge of giving us the bad news was Max himself, that is, Tom Hardyin Forbes magazine, where, asked about the status of the sequel in which he was going to star, ‘The Wasteland’, he had no choice but to accept it and say “I don’t think it’s going to happen”.

As always in the world of Hollywood, you should never say never again, that is: We still need to see how ‘Furiosa’ performs in streaming and VOD before giving everything for lost. In the very interesting interview, by the way, Hardy reviews a career full of some titles that, in one way or another, have marked the 21st century, such as ‘Inception’, ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ or the ‘Peaky Blinders’ series ‘ and ‘Band of brothers’.

But he has other desires: “I’ve been an actor for a while. I’m old. It’s okay, because when I was young I always wanted to play the characters that I am now old enough to play. And now I want to be young again. Tom, man, 46 years is nothing.

“There’s a part of me that’s back to square one,” Hardy says. “New beginnings. I think I’m getting back to what was important about why I started and what I can do now. It’s a generational thing, a career shouldn’t stop just because you’re 50 now. You have to recalibrate and lay the foundation of things that have meaning and purpose. And if not, don’t do them. Just let them happen. Some things are more important than doing them just to do them, you know?”

Furthermore, the actor comments that after the third ‘Venom’ movie (and, in part, thanks to it) will return to the place where he never wanted to leave: “I will return to the theater, there are independent films, there are great films and other things. They’re all constantly in my head at the same time. and we have several things developing”. Come on, even without ‘Mad Max’, we still have Hardy left for a while.

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