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Mel Gibson confirms that he will direct Lethal Weapon 5

Mel Gibson has confirmed that he will direct the long-awaited fifth installment of the Lethal Weapon franchise.

A few years ago, rumors began to circulate that Mel Gibson might be in talks to direct “Lethal Weapon 5.” Now, in a recent interview, the actor and director has officially confirmed his participation in the project.

The legacy of Richard Donner

During his appearance on the “Inspire Me” podcast, Gibson offered an update on this highly anticipated project: “I am going to direct the fifth film in the Lethal Weapon series”, said. The news comes after the sad departure of Richard Donner, who directed the previous four films in the series and was a good friend of Gibson.

Gibson commented: “Richard Donner, who did the other four, sadly passed away and was a good friend. He tasked me with bringing the flag home with this film. So it will be an honor for me to do it.”. The relationship between Gibson and Donner has always been close, which adds a layer of emotionality to this new project.

Script development

The script development process is another aspect Gibson addressed. Donner had begun working on the script before his death, and Gibson has taken his legacy and continued the work. “I had made quite some progress in writing the script and we used what I had. We kept working on it and I’m pretty happy with the result. It has been fun to do it”he added.

With a notable track record as a director, Gibson appears to be the ideal person to continue this iconic franchise. His directing ability has been demonstrated on numerous occasions, which generates high expectations for this new installment.

Keeping the Donner Spirit

Gibson has also shared details about the process of refining the script following Donner’s death. I had the honor of sitting down, after Richard passed, with the writer and we did a couple more drafts, trying to do it in the spirit of what we thought Donner would want because he knew him so well. “We tried to capture that essence and we are quite happy with what we achieved”.

Gibson’s words reflect a deep respect for Donner’s work and legacy, assuring fans that the fifth “Lethal Weapon” film will maintain the same tone and quality as the previous ones.

The impact of Lethal Weapon

The “Lethal Weapon” franchise has been one of the most beloved in the action genre since its first installment in 1987. The chemistry between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, combined with Richard Donner’s direction, made these films instant classics. The series not only redefined buddy cop movies, but also set a new standard for action cinema.

With this new installment, fans hope that the magic that made the previous ones so special will be maintained. The direction by Gibson, who has been involved from the beginning, promises to maintain the essence of what made the first films great.

Expectations for the new delivery

Gibson’s confirmation as director has generated great expectation among fans of the saga. “If anyone is going to carry the torch for this franchise, Gibson seems like the one to do it. He definitely has the necessary direction skills”, was mentioned in the interview. This confidence in Gibson is not unfounded, given his track record of success both in front of and behind the camera.

Fans can expect a film that honors the legacy of Richard Donner, with a script that has been meticulously crafted to capture the spirit of the previous films. The mix of action, humor and camaraderie that he defined in “Lethal Weapon” promises to be present in this new installment.

With Mel Gibson at the helm, “Lethal Weapon 5” is shaping up to be an exciting continuation of one of the most beloved action series of all time. Fans of the saga can rest easy knowing that Donner’s vision will be respected and taken to new heights by a director who deeply understands the essence of these films.

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