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Criticism of The Bitcoin Revolution, a slightly hidden love letter to the crypto world for those already convinced

You don’t have to be very suspicious. The bitcoin revolution is a documentary directed by Juan Pablo Megía, a bitcoin enthusiast who is known as Juan en Crypto on social networks: accumulates almost 21,000 followers on YouTube and 33,000 on Twitter.

In case this gives few clues, suffice it to say that the documentary lasts about 80 minutes, but that only halfway through does the first opinion that can be classified as contrary to bitcoin appear.

By that moment, more than a dozen favorable voices have already paraded before the viewer, one after another. The bitcoin revolution He is very clear about what he is, he does not hide it. It is a heartfelt and thinly disguised love letter to the most popular of cryptocurrencies.

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This claims from the first moment that its premise is firmly believed, namely: bitcoin is going to introduce a new economic and social paradigm and is going to change the world forever. It is not a minor effort. The latest studies say that only 5% of Spaniards handle cryptocurrencies. Of these, 40%, less than half, use bitcoin.

Will this change in the near future? Could be. Of course, this is what the producers of the documentary maintain, who understand that their feature film should contribute to publicizing the benefits of bitcoin.

As a sign of your faith, the first image: the definition, dictionary in hand, of the word revolution. Although we understand what they are trying to do, the truth is that this beginning is somewhat anticlimactic. There are already so many documentaries that start like this, that by repeating the trick it has become an easy and lazy resource.

As the minutes pass, however, the film warms up its engines and picks up speed. If there is anything that the creators of The bitcoin revolution It’s a lack of effort.

An example: to try to ensure that no one is left behind at the first opportunity, the documentary dedicates the first minutes to trying to explain in an agile and simple way the origin of the money.

Although in general the explanations of The bitcoin revolution They do not reach the exalted levels that recent films dedicated to economic issues have achieved, such as the highly recommended The big betattempts to try to simplify issues as complex as the functioning of blockchain technology or that of central banks are appreciated.

It is true that from time to time one misses another metaphor or some somewhat practical example of the explanation, but the truth is that, as long as one already knows something about the subject, it is not difficult to get an idea of ​​what is going on. defending the not very diverse group of interviewees.

Producers have not spared locations either. The bitcoin revolution looks for its protagonists in Spain, El Salvador, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina.

It is not a toast to the sun, since one of the most important ideas of the documentary is that bitcoin can end up being the new gold, that is, that it can become a currency that serves as a refuge to escape inflation, especially in Latin American countries. .

In the midst of so much journey, the film has the virtue of presenting a curious cast of protagonists. Among a good number of more or less authorized and conventional opinions. For example, the story of the young people who travel through Argentina in a van to publicize bitcoin or the owner of the bar dedicated entirely to this cryptocurrency stands out.

Paradoxically, these stories, far from supporting the thesis, They offer a rather soulless image of the bitcoin phenomenon. Of course, neither the bitcoin bar seems to receive too many customers nor do the two intrepid crypto evangelizers seem to garner many followers.

It is as if, rather than conquering the masses, the most convinced defenders of bitcoin always preferred to meet in small private clubs where they feel that they are part of an elite that sees what no one else sees. Who knows if this may not be the key to the whole matter.

The bitcoin revolution retains some of these dynamics. Of course, it will excite those already convinced, who will find in the documentary one more reason to believe in the imminent crypto revolution. Those who, like yours truly, have their doubts will surely continue with their concerns after seeing it. Between them, the main one: if bitcoin is the revolution, what are you waiting for to be what it is supposed to be?

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