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the iconic reference to Apple, the Macintosh and 1984

In Inside Out 2, There is everything for everyone. From affectionate nods to the Toy Story universe to even Mickey’s silhouette in its fun end credits sequence. The film pays tribute on several occasions to Disney, other popular films and pop culture through images, word games and recreations of well-known sequences. A practice that is already a habit in all Pixar works.

But few are as emblematic — and even disturbing — as the wink that Inside Out 2 dedicated to an iconic advertisement. Much more, when doing so, directly and without hiding the source material from which it comes. We refer to the sequence that pays homage to Apple’s 1984 advertisement. The advertising piece, which became part of the history of the mainstream media, has been used as a source to narrate one of the most sinister moments of Inside Out 2 (Inside Out 2).

The short parody, which is surprisingly radically faithful to the advertising it pays tribute to, shows the new emotion Anxiety and its planning army. While the panic factory works at maximum power, the film shows an image that becomes increasingly sinister. In it you can see the giant face of Ansiedad, who looks at the dejected and terrified workers as they try to carry out her orders. In the end, an object destroys the screen and breaks the dynamic. The wink is practically identical to the best-known part of the advertising piece that, in the 1980s, directed by one of the most famous current directors: Ridley Scott.

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A more adult wink than it seems

Although the image of Inside Out 2 It may be funny—which it certainly is—but it also leads to one of the most famous moments in pop culture of the last century. This is the moment when the then very young director Ridley Scott turned an Apple advertisement, designed to present the first macintoshes, in a symbolic event. Everything, by taking the premise of the terrifying dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell and convert it into a way of analyzing the impact of computing in the contemporary world.

Jobs himself spoke publicly about how IBM — his company’s closest rival at the time — “wanted it all.” Which amounted to control over computer media and its consequences. He also mentioned Orwell’s book and wondered aloud if the author was right about what he said in it. Namely, the way in which a power entity – whether civil or governmental – could have access to the domain of the computer industry.

The advertisement referenced in Inside Out 2 reached the public on December 31, 1983, although it was only broadcast once in KMVT of Twin Falls, Idaho, to be eligible for advertising awards clio. However, the true impact of the advertisement would be when it aired for the second time, this time nationally. On January 22, 1984, During a third-period break of CBS’ Super Bowl XVIII broadcast, the 1984 commercial made history.

An emblematic advertisement in ‘Del Revés 2 (Inside Out 2)’

Aired just two days before the Macintosh saw the light of day, the commercial became not only a way to demonstrate the strength of a product that would make history. It was also about shoring up the power of a brand. In fact, it is considered that Apple reinvented its corporate personality thanks to 1984 and, especially, to its enduring later importance.

Evoking some scenes from the film Metropolis (1927) by Fritz Lang, the production took the image of the British athlete Anya Major as the emblem of Apple’s rebellion. That, in the middle of a series of dystopian scenes that show a gray and alienated future. Especially employees with gray skin, pointed heads and dressed in colorless uniforms. Everyone works in an anguished and crestfallen manner, while the voice of Big Brother is heard.which in the case of Inside Out 2 represents Anxiety.

It is then that the figure embodied by Anya Major makes her appearance. That, she dressed in red shoes and sweatpants, a T-shirt labeled with a computer and a hammer in her hand.

In the middle of a slowed down scene, he throws the object he is holding. Subsequently, the screen explodes, as a symbol of freedom that continues to surprise. one to whom Inside Out 2pays tribute with its precise reference.

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