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Ridley Scott and John Carpenter marked an era

1982 had its own cinematic duel with two science fiction cult classics that would become legendary films: The Thing and Blade Runner.

Today we have a portion of anniversaries at HobbyCine. 42 years ago, two filmmakers who need no introduction released their films in theaters films who would become absolute icons of the Science fiction: blade runner and The thing.

Ridley Scott tried to take advantage of Harrison Ford’s appeal in one of his best moments thanks to Star Wars and Indiana Jones. blade runner It was also a memorable role in his career, but it did not take off as much at the time as the British director would have liked.

blade runner It grossed $27.5 million in its day and was far from a success, but little by little it built its status as a science fiction cult classic thanks to a legion of completely dedicated fans.

The very influence of the film Ridley Scott It is undeniable, and there are plenty of examples, but we will put one that falls on the side of video games with Cyberpunk 2077based on the role-playing game Cyberpunk 2020.

blade runner and The thing: two movies that have a birthday

On the supernatural horror side it falls The thing (The enigma of another world)classic John Carpenter which continues to be one of his reference films.

This grotesque shape-shifting creature discovered in Antarctica made things difficult for Kurt Russell and company, but it set the bar high for other horror films that have tackled similar themes.

Something they have in common The thing and blade runnerin addition to its release date, is that none were a box office success. We have already told you the revenue of Ridley Scott’s film, but John Carpenter’s film made even less profit: only $19.8 million.

Despite that poor reception, both The thing as blade runner They became queens of the video stores in the eighties and nineties and, today, they are absolute references of science fiction and films essential to understanding the Seventh Art.

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