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Goyo: a deep and enjoyable love story, with two great compositions by its protagonists


Goyo (Argentina/2024). Address: Marcos Carnevale. Script: Marcos Carnevale. Photography: Horacio Maira. Music: Ivan Wyszogrod. Edition: Alberto Ponce. Cast: Nicolas Furtado, Nancy Duplaa, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago, Cecilia Roth, Diego Alonso, Milo Zeus Lis, Mayra Homar, Balthazar Murillo. Duration: 107 minutes. Qualification: Suitable for over 16 years. Our opinion: good.

Goyo (Nico Furtado) has Asperger’s, an autism spectrum disorder that affects his social interaction. He knows that he is not the same as others, that his co-workers see him differently, feel him differently. Overprotected by his sister Saula (Soledad Villamil) and accomplice of his brother Matute (Pablo Rago), he finds the greatest refuge by immersing himself in an artistic universe that is his own. Goyo is an expert in Art History, a skilled painter, and works as a guide at the National Museum of Fine Arts. And it is precisely there where one day he finds his inspiring muse.

Eva Montero (Nancy Dupláa), mother of two boys, is in the process of separating from her violent husband (Diego Alonso), who refuses to leave her alone. Needing to get by as a single mother, she accepts a job as security at the museum, which also functions as an escape route. A space where you can forget about your problems for a few hours and laugh again.

Eva and Goyo are two lonely beings who, by chance, cross paths in the rain, and intuitively attract each other. But does the need for friendship, for company, unite them, or is it the beginning of an a priori, unthinkable love story?

Skilled in romantic comedies with a sensitive and kind tone, Marcos Carnevale takes advantage of the apparent simplicity of this love story to immerse himself in some of his favorite themes. In Goyo (which opens in theaters this Thursday and will be available on Netflix starting July 5) contains humor, a certain game on the edge of political correctness, and social questioning, all framed in a story that advances thanks to the sympathy with the leading couple, simple and credible. It is accompanied by a cast that completes the colors of a painting rich in nuances, deep and enjoyable.

Nicolás Furtado surprises with a successful portrait of a neurodivergent characterCleo Bouza/Netflix – Netflix

The chameleonic Nico Furtado abandons his challenging and seductive bearing and creates a fragile, delicate and dependent protagonist, whose conception of love is directly linked to his neurodivergence, offering an approach rich in nuances, different and powerful. Dupláa, for her part, demonstrates once again that she is one of the best actresses of her generation. Her Eva has a strong personality, but she is also needy. Both, through careful development of their roles, even manage to transcend some dialogues and situations that in other hands would have fallen prey to triviality and commonplace. Rago and Villamil complement each other very well in their supporting roles, as does Cecilia Roth, whose brief participation is enough to become a virtuoso vertex between the two.

With a more delicate and subtle stroke than in previous productions, Carnevale once again speaks of inclusion, of the absurd logic of a world that often goes in the opposite direction to reason, respect and the heart.

Despite its presentation as a romantic comedy with some melodrama, Goyo It exposes a reality that is unusual in this type of proposal, but much closer than is usually believed. The fact that a film of this nature does not remain in the expected schematic structure and takes a step further on the path to reflection is an unusual added value, and always welcome.

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