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Andy Serkis drops that we will see several familiar faces in the new Lord of the Rings movie focused on Gollum

The Hunt for Gollum aims to live up to Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy with the return of legendary actors to the franchise

There are still a couple of years left until its release, but the expectation for the new Lord of the Rings movie focused on Gollum does not stop growing. Although not many actors have been confirmed so far apart from Andy Serkis, it seems that the director has big plans for this installment.

Through an interview with The Pop Verse, Andy Serkis revealed that the film Gollum It will be quite ambitious and hopes to bring back several familiar faces from the saga, as it will show a vision of Middle Earth from the perspective of the hobbit corrupted by the One Ring.

“It’s very early; it would be unfair to commit to anything at this point. But I will say that it will be a deep dive where we will investigate Gollum’s character. There may be characters that we recognize who could return. I’m not going to say who. We started talking about “This was about eight months ago.”

Although he did not want to reveal names, everything indicates that we will see several members of The Fellowship of the Ring appear in Middle Earth while poor Gollum continues to wander through arid lands in a spiral of dementia and madness caused by his greatest treasure.

Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo and even Boromir are some of the characters who could make an appearance in this installment, but so far, these are just theories. We will have to wait several months to find out which members of the original trilogy will return to bring to life once again the world created by JRR Tolkien. The Hunt for Gollum is scheduled for release sometime in 2026.

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