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The fantasy film that lost 95 million and ruined an entire cinematic universe. A disaster that suffered one of the biggest economic failures in history

That a film fails is nothing particularly surprising. In the end, it is difficult to know what is going to conquer the public, which is why Hollywood relies so much on franchises that have already been successful previously. That’s exactly what he did Universal with ‘The Mummy’, since the fantasy and action film starring Tom Cruise was going to launch an ambitious cinematic universe based on some of the most famous creatures in the history of horror cinema. The problem is that many wanted to be the new Marvel and most of them sank along the way.

A catastrophe

By now we’re all familiar with the massive flop suffered by ‘The Mummy’, as it’s true that it’s among Cruise’s highest-grossing films, but its huge cost led to Universal losing an estimated $95 million. It was of little use that the casting announcements had been made. Johnny Depp and Javier Bardemor that there were more films in development, since the company decided to cut its losses.

On paper, Universal had a winning bet here, since people had very good memories of ‘The Mummy’ thanks to the wonderful version starring Brendan Fraser And the added attraction of having a big star like Cruise was never a bad thing. The problem is that even that was a mistake, as the actor had to deal with a character that didn’t quite fit him. All in all, the film has so many problems that blaming him would be a mistake.

Mercilessly destroyed by critics, even its director criticized it shortly after its release. Despite grossing more than 400 million in theaters, the setback was such that the cinematographic universe that had started was born dead and buried. For the memory, there is the image that you have a little below about what could have been and was not the Dark Universewhose anniversary is usually “celebrated” by many Internet users.

By the way, they show it today on Cuatro starting at 10:30 p.m., but the truth is, if you haven’t seen it already, I recommend that you better settle for reading all the jokes that are made about it at the slightest opportunity. Furthermore, not everything was bad, because thanks to its enormous failure we had ‘The Invisible Man’, a notable reinvention starring Elisabeth Moss totally disconnected from that Dark Universe…

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