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Mel Gibson returns to directing with a high-stakes thriller and Mark Wahlberg with a frightening bald head. Intense trailer for ‘Threat in the air’

Eight years after ‘To the Last Man’, Mel Gibson returns with an exercise in action and suspense bottled on a plane

It’s been eight years since Mel Gibson signed his last work as a director in the notable war epic ‘To the Last Man’, but if you missed the Australian behind the cameras, you’re in luck, because This 2024 he returns to the fray with a high-flying thriller which, despite not seeming very much like the profile of the filmmaker, has a very intense and interesting look.

bottled gibson

The feature film in question is titled ‘Threat in the air’ —’Flight Risk’ in its original language—, and its trailer allows us to intuit what seems to be an exercise in suspense with a good dose of action bottled up in a plane with a very small cast in which Michelle Dockery, Topher Grace and a Mark Wahlberg with a hideous bald head They are the big stars of the show.

To get an idea of ​​what awaits us, in addition to the progress, we can go to the official synopsiswhich reads like this:

“In this claustrophobic thriller, a pilot transports a lieutenant general in his small plane to guard a witness who is to testify in a mob trial. As they fly over the mountains of Alaska, tensions run high as not everyone on board is who they seem. And at 10,000 feet, there is no escape.”

If you’re wondering when we’ll be able to get our hands on Gibson’s return, which seems to be at the antipodes of mammoth productions like ‘Braveheart’ or ‘Apocalypto’, I have good news, because the people at Diamond Films have just announced that It will be released in our cinemas on October 31stvery shortly after its launch in the United States, dated the 18th of the same month.

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