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Artificial intelligence answers: which character from “Inside Out” represents you, according to your zodiac sign

The zodiac signs, assigned at birth according to astrology, have distinctive characteristics that can influence our behavior. Microsoft’s “Copilot” revealed which “Inside Out” character most closely resembles each zodiac sign.

“Inside Out 2”. Photo: NA

The astrologywith its zodiac signs, offers a unique perspective on the characteristics and behavior of people in different situations. Artificial intelligence “Copilot” of Microsoft used these characteristics to identify which character in the movie “Intensely” corresponds to each sign.

On this occasion, the astrology and the artificial intelligence combine to offer a new perspective on how the characters of “Intensely” They reflect the characteristics of each zodiac sign, revealing, in some way, a fun way of understanding ourselves and others.

“Inside Out 2”. Photo: NA

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Which character from Inside Out best represents you, according to your zodiac sign?

The second edition of the film is a success, so the appearance of its link with astrology generates a lot of interest.

Aries: Fury

For those born under the sign of Aries, Fury is the character that best represents them. With his einexhaustible energy and determinationFury perfectly embodies the impulsive and vigorous spirit of Aries. Like Fury, Aries are known for acting quickly and not stopping until they achieve their goals.

Movie “Inside Out 2”. Photo: X.

Taurus: Sadness and Nostalgia

Taurus is represented by two emotions: Sadness and Nostalgia. Sadness, with its need for stability and deep connections, reflects the essence of bullfighting. On the other hand, Nostalgia values ​​stability and connection with the pasttraits equally significant for Taurus.

Movie “Inside Out 2”. Photo: X.

Gemini: Envy

Envy, with its adaptable nature and constant desire for change, is the emotion that best represents Gemini. Geminis, always curious and in search of new experiences, find in Envy a reflection of their duality and their incessant desire for what they do not have.

Cancer: Shame

Shame is the character that best reflects the essence of Cancer. This sign, known for its search for safety and securityfinds in Vergüenza a representation of his tendency to seek refuge in home and family, always prioritizing a safe and welcoming environment.

Movie “Inside Out 2”. Photo: X.

Leo: Disgust

For leonines, Disgusto is the ideal character. with his honesty and self-confident, Disgusto is not afraid to express her opinions and is always willing to leadcharacteristics that perfectly reflect Leo’s dominant and confident nature.

Virgo: Fear and Jill Anderson

Virgo can be identified with Fear, due to its constant analysis of potential dangers and its attention to detail. Also, Jill Anderson, Riley’s mother, could also be a Virginian, as she shows iintuition, cunning and perception in family situations, typical qualities of Virgo.

Movie “Inside Out 2”. Photo: X.

Libra: Shame

Shame can also represent Libra, as this sign values ​​​​the harmony and the justice. Like Shame, Librans strive to Keep the peace and stability in its environment, always seeking to create a perfect balance.

Scorpio: Riley Anderson

Riley Anderson, the protagonist of “Inside Out,” shares many characteristics with Scorpio. This Water sign is known for its emotional intensity and its reserved and enigmatic nature. Riley, with his internal struggles and desire for deep bonds, reflects the passion and depth of Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Joy

“Inside Out 2”. Photo: NA

Joy, with her adventurous spirit and contagious optimism, is the character that best represents Sagittarius. This Fire sign, always in search of new things, is a sign that is always looking for new things. adventure and experiencesfinds in Alegría a perfect mix of his enthusiasm and positive energy.

Capricorn: Ennui

Ennui, with his disinterest In everyday life, it reflects a lesser-known facet of Capricorn. This sign, known for its focus on material achievements, can experience moments of dissatisfaction and apathytraits that Ennui faithfully represents.

Aquarius: Anxiety

Intensely, anxiety. Photo: X.

Anxiety is the character that best aligns with Aquarius. This Air sign, always mental and worried, finds in Anxiety a reflection of her constant search for new links and his concern for the futurethus showing his restless and reflective nature.

Pisces: Bill Anderson

Movie “Inside Out 2”. Photo: X.

Bill Anderson, Riley’s father, embodies the characteristics of Pisces. With his dreamy and gentle nature, Bill shows compassion and a deep desire for take care of othersreflecting the compassionate and kind essence of Pisces.

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