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We often forget this Disney classic released 29 years ago and, nevertheless, it has great qualities – Movie news

It was surely one of your favorite movies during your childhood.

Disney classics have been with us since our earliest childhood. Movies like Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs either Beauty and the Beast are the order of the day when we think about the golden age of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Many times We didn’t pay enough attention to another title that was released in the mid-nineties and which represents the 33rd production of the famous animation studio. Do you know which one we are talking about? We hope it hasn’t been 29 years since you last saw Pocahontasbecause the film is about to turn three decades old.

In the year 1607, an English ship belonging to The Virginia Company sets sail for what colonists call the New World. While some, like Governor John Ratcliffe, have their sights set on amassing golden riches in this unknown land, others, like Captain John Smith, long for a legendary adventure.

The explorers sail toward their destination across the ocean, while Young Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan tribe, seeks to escape the arranged marriage her father plans with the warrior KocoumSwimming in wild rivers and running freely through the woods, she tries to hear her heartbeat and understand the meaning of a mysterious arrow that spins endlessly in her dreams.

If you were as excited as we were when reading the synopsis of the film, allow us to tell you some curiosities that perhaps you didn’t know. The premiere of Pocahontas It was not the big event that Disney expectedThe film hit theaters in 1995, the same year as Toy Story and a year after The Lion Kingtwo films that impressed viewers around the world.

The mistake in this Disney classic that would be an unforgivable blunder in a live-action film

Alan Menken and Glen Keane, the spirit of ‘Pocahontas’

However, the Academy Awards and Golden Globes did pay attention to its excellent soundtrack. The animated feature film was nominated in the categories of Best Score and Best Song in both awards. Has anyone been able to forget the impressive Colors in the wind? We certainly don’t.

The team of Pocahontas took home both Oscars those who were nominated and, as if that were not enough, they also collected the Golden Globe for Best Original Song. Big applause for Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz, the composers thanks to whom Disney was recognized with these awards.

The protagonist was the first historical character portrayed in a company film and the person in charge of leaving us all fascinated was the entertainer Glen Keanewho also worked animating Ariel or the Beast. We’re sure the use of light, colors, and animation throughout the film are still in your mind. If you’re not sure, It’s always a good day to revisit Pocahontas on Disney+.

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