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The film that reunites Tom Hanks, Robin Wright and the director of ‘Forrest Gump’ already has a trailer and a release date

It’s called ‘Here’ and it’s 104 minutes of a single shot, but thousands of years long.

The facial rejuvenation of the actors promises to be the best achieved to date

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In 1994, 30 years ago, Robert Zemeckis left us fascinated with that kind of tragicomedy that was Forrest Gump and which also marked the beginning of his friendship with Tom Hanksan actor with whom he has subsequently worked in Castaway, Polar Express and The Walk (Hanks giving up his voice). Now they repeat with Herewhich in our country will be known as Hereand it already has a release date in theaters.

Here is a groundbreaking and acclaimed graphic novel by artist and writer Richard McGuire. Published in 2014the work is an expansion of a six-page comic that McGuire originally published in Raw magazine in 1989, notable for its unique and experimental approach in graphic narration.

The story of a lifetime

In Here (Here) used the same physical space (a corner of a living room) to explore different moments in time, from millions of years in the past to thousands of years in the future. And that is exactly what we will see in the Film adaptationalthough focused on the figure of the couple formed by Tom Hanks and Robin Wrightwho reunite after starring Forrest Gump as Forrest and Jenny respectively.

Besides, Alan Silvestrithe composer whose work is part of the repertoire of Polar Express and Forrest Gump_ is in charge of putting it soundtrack to the film that concerns us and that will give us 104 minutes of fixed shot but where there will be room for dozens of stories, something that we will uncover for ourselves from the next December 5thwhen it is released exclusively in theaters in our country.

Rejuvenating the actors well

Contrary to what we are used to seeing, as in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story or in the Irish Depends on who you ask, it seems that this time the facial rejuvenation of the leading actors is yes well done and that is thanks to Methaphysic Livean innovator AI tool which, through hyper-realistic technology, allows for the creation of rejuvenation effects live and in real time on the faces of actors without the need to use special effects.

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