Like a rocker, the President performed Panic Show, one of La Renga’s songs

Like a rocker, the President performed Panic Show, one of La Renga’s songs
Like a rocker, the President performed Panic Show, one of La Renga’s songs

As part of the presentation of his new book “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap”, at the Luna Park stadium, President Javier Milei gave a musical show last night, in which he performed a song together with his rock band, also made up of by political figures close to the president, although without professional experience in the artistic field.

The support group, called “La Banda Liberal”, was made up of national deputy Alberto “Bertie” Benegas Lynch, on drums; his brother Joaquín Benegas Lynch, on guitar, and Marcelo Duclos, on bass, who wrote together with Nicolás Márquez the biography of the President “Milei, the revolution they didn’t see coming.” Together they performed “Panic Show”, by the group La Renga (which became an icon during the election campaign).

Likewise, a bass drum was used with the face of the Austrian Ludwig Von Mises, who is recognized for being one of the economists that Milei most admires and whom he usually mentions in several of his speeches. Not being professionals, they acknowledged in the preview that they were practicing to play the songs. “We only have one rehearsal ahead of us, let’s hope it goes well,” one of the amateur musicians had said before the big event.

Against caste

“Hello everyone, I am the lion. He roared the beast in the middle of the avenue. Everyone ran, without understanding. Panic show in broad daylight”, begins the lyrics of one of the anthems of Gustavo Chizzo Nápoli’s group and which the head of state adopted during his presidential campaign. In turn, in another passage he says: “Please do not flee from me. I am the king of a lost world. I am the king and I will destroy you. All accomplices are of my appetite.” In that last section, the President, as he usually does, changed it to “the entire caste is my appetite.”

In this regard, the leader of the national rock band was displeased with the President’s attitude of using his song as his own motto: “Attention, Javier. The Lion wants to eat the caste and it turns out that they are all next to you,” he highlighted to him this year during his show at the Racing stadium. “There are ties and feelings between us, we do not want to have someone disguised as a friend talking about freedom,” concluded a statement from La Renga on the matter.

Karina got angry and ordered parades to be held

In the run-up to the event that the President led at Luna Park, an event provoked the anger of the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei. There were some parades and posters that were hanging in the vicinity of the stadium, which bore her name and had messages for her.

The sister of the liberal president showed her discomfort at the different banners that exalted her and expressed praise and, consequently, gave the order that they be removed in their entirety. The order was placed just late in the afternoon and when there were still several hours before the start of the evening.

They were all taken out immediately and in the presence of the hundreds of people who were already in the vicinity of the legendary Buenos Aires theater, who arrived early to the place to purchase their tickets. These sold out in just 30 minutes.

The reasons for the official’s anger over the posters were explained by the Government spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, who announced the situation through his social networks and shared a video of the moment in which all the messages were removed.

“The surroundings of Luna Park were full of parades that made reference to Karina Milei. When ‘The Boss’ arrived and realized the situation (after his great anger about it) he gave the order to remove them immediately,” he said.

Sánchez justified in Congress the withdrawal of the Spanish ambassador in Argentina

The president of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, justified yesterday the decision to withdraw the ambassador in Buenos Aires as a result of her confrontation with Javier Milei. “It is a practice of diplomatic relations as an act of formal protest,” he said in a presentation before the Spanish Congress of Deputies, and assured: “Far from rectifying, Milei ratifies the insult.”

“This formal protest is linked to the proportionality of the attack from the capital of the host country,” he added.

The day before yesterday, Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, announced that Spain will “definitively” recall ambassador María Jesús Alonso Jiménez, after Milei’s refusal to apologize for her criticism of Sánchez and his wife, Begoña Gómez.

“Our fraternal feeling towards the Argentine people, those who live with us, and economic, cultural, and academic relations will always be a priority for our Government, it has been from the first minute. It is true that affections are free between governments, this Government has nothing to do with Milei’s government. Affections are free, but respect is not, it is inalienable, and above ideologies are education and patriotism,” the Spanish president stated in Parliament.

Without precedents

During his presentation, he also recalled that his country “made available” to the Argentine president “the Torrejón airport (Madrid) and public security when we know that it is a private trip,” on the occasion of his last participation in the Vox convention. last weekend, and assured that the criticism “is unprecedented in recent history.”

“A first call for consultations was made, and what has happened is that Milei, far from rectifying, ratifies the insult and attack, then the ambassador is withdrawn,” said Sánchez. “Moderation is not being equidistant between the one who attacks and the one who suffers the aggression, but rather it is being on the side of the attacked Spanish institutions and letting go of the hand of the extreme right,” he concluded.

double rod

In turn, the leader of the Spanish opposition, the conservative Alberto Núñez Feijóo, targeted Sánchez in the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies by accusing him of having started the diplomatic conflict with Argentina and of using a double standard in Spanish foreign policy to “cover up their problems.”

“What had to happen after your government accused Mr. Milei of drug use and organ trafficking? “Should I thank you?” the leader of the Popular Party (PP) asked Sánchez.

Feijóo criticized Sánchez for considering that Milei put Spanish democracy at risk by referring to his wife as “corrupt,” but for thinking the same when the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, attacks the king or when “in Morocco “It is said that Ceuta and Melilla are not Spanish.”

“Why are you considering breaking relations with Argentina for this but not with [el político catalán Carles] Puigdemont when he says that the entire Spanish Justice system is corrupt?” he questioned.

After the clash with President Milei and Spain having withdrawn its ambassador from Argentina, Feijóo stated that it is “imperative” that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, be dismissed for having “put the interests of Spain at the service.” of the interests of the PSOE”, in relation to the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers Party.

In turn, the leader of the Vox party, Santiago Abascal, questioned Sánchez during the parliamentary session in a heated defense of Milei. He defended the Argentine president by saying that it is not necessary for him to apologize to Sánchez “because he is not the king nor is his wife an institutional figure.”

The right-wing Abascal asked Sánchez “how far he will take the diplomatic attack against Argentina to defend his consort”, wanting to know if the Executive is going to expel the Argentine ambassador in Spain, is going to break relations with the Latin American country or “is going to declare war”.

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