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Rosalia Najle and Pablo Maroto join MDZ Radio

If anyone in Mendoza is an authoritative word and a hyper-known voice, it is that of Rosalia Najle. The announcer has an extensive career in different media in the province and now she will once again sit behind the microphone of MDZ Radio.

In this second stay on 105.5, previously she had been until 2014, Rosalía Najle will be accompanied by Pablo Maroto. The duo will be in charge of MDZ Radio Monday to Friday, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. with the program “There is no turning back.”

This program will cover different themes and will be the best company for the return home. With the characteristic good vibes of Rosalía and Pablo, “There is no turning back” will feature information on the current situation with sports, culture and of course very good music.

“This program is going to be about taking advantage of people’s return home, whether from work, school, looking for the children somewhere, it will be accompanying them when they return home. We are going to make a summary and update to people about what happened that day,” Rosalía said in dialogue with Marcelo Arce in MDZ Radioprior to his return this coming Monday.

Rosalía Najne returns to MDZ Radio after her stay in 2014.

“There is no turning back” will be a summary of all the information and news that aired on the radio that day and will delve into the central themes of the day.

“Radio is information, it is entertainment, but above all it is company,” added the announcer who also worked on Mendoza television and who in this program will have as its backbone the characteristic musicalization of the late 90s, the decade of glory of national music.

The program will begin at the end of the sports classic “Una de más.” “We’ll see if we make a pass with the boys, there I will rely on Pablo who is the expert,” Rosalía said with amusement, referring to Pablo’s experience with an extensive career in the world of sports.

Pablo Morata will be on MDZ Radio with Rosalía Najne.

This Monday, and from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Rosalía Najle and Pablo Maroto join MDZ Radio 105.5 with “There is no turning back” with the production of Daniela Higa and Maxi De Marco at the controls

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