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“The Internet has made the world a very stupid place”

The musician addresses political and social polarization in an interview

Glen Bentonleader of the American death metal group DEICIDE has addressed in an interview the negative impact of social networks in today’s society, emphasizing that “The internet has made the world a very stupid place“.

“I think it’s generational,” he adds in his statements to Sense Music Media. Benton believes that both politicians and religious have turned the last 15 years into a real circus and that the world suffers from a lack of integrity.

Speaking about how people discuss controversial topics online, Benton notes: “You can find a fight anywhere in the world right now. Everyone is ready to fight. The world is really on edge.” Furthermore, he mentions that inflation and global economies have contributed to this tension and considers that “people are angry.”

Expectations for the 2024 US elections and disillusionment with politics

Benton also thinks about the climate of political polarization in the United States ahead of the 2024 elections, indicating that people often look for any excuse to destroy property and cause riots during election years. “I think it’s funded, because they do it religiously every election year, just to make whoever’s sitting in the White House look bad. It’s kind of weird. I try to stay out of politics. But this country, the state of Florida, is a sweaty toilet bowl, and the rest of the country is the toilet. More or less”.

Asked who he thinks is going to win the presidential election, Benton responds: “I’m with everyone else. I think it’s all a fucking fix. I come from that background.” old school hippie Shit, that shitty shadow government.”

Benton further expresses his disillusionment with politics and politicians in general: “I hate politics as much as I hate organized religion,” he said. He prefers to avoid political discussions and dedicate himself to activities that he considers more useful, such as walk or ride a bike.

Partisan media and “news bubbles”

Regarding the role of partisan media, Benton criticizes how political ideology influences news selection, rather than objective coverage. “It’s all bullshit,” she said, suggesting that people should spend more time with their families instead of consuming news that promotes hate.

Social networks and freedom of expression

Benton concludes by reflecting on the control that social media exerts on personal expression. “The Internet dictates what you can do or say,” she says. She claims that she no longer cares about being politically correct and that keeps his beliefs to himself. “I only do what I do because that’s who I am,” she declares.

Recently, the 56-year-old singer and bassist spoke about the inverted cross he wears on his forehead.

Benton founded DEICIDE in 1987 and, along with drummer Steve Asheim, has remained in the band ever since. The group debuted with its self-titled album in 1990 and has thirteen studio albums. This year the Death Metal group releases its new album, “Banished By Sin“. The album has been the subject of controversy for its cover made with AI.

More information about DEICIDE on their Facebook.

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