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Yngwie Malmsteen and Warlock, duel of antagonists on the last day of Rock Imperium Festival 2024

Rock Imperium Festival 2024 This morning came to an end after completing an intense fourth and final day in the park The Batel from Cartagena. They put the end of the party The Darkness with their infectious glammy hard rock, which brought together a large audience to witness the Hawkins brothers band. Her recital was full of power with Justin very communicative with the fans and hyperactive in the staging.

But first there was a curious duel of antagonists between the two bands that took over the top of the billboard on this day: Warlock and Yngwie Malmsteen. The German vocalist and the Swedish guitarist have in common that they are both iconic heavy musicians since the distant eighties. For the rest, they are completely at the opposite end in terms of their way of being. Doro is all kindness and understands music as a way to share with fans, who are transcendental for her. Yngwie, on the other hand, approaches the stage with an egocentric vision, where his brilliance weighs heavily.


The line that differentiates the actions of gold and Warlock It is quite fine. When they recover the band in which the German singer emerged when she was just a teenager, they have guitarist Tommy Bolan, who was active in the last stage of Warlockwhere he recorded the classic Triumph And Agony. Otherwise there is no one left, except gold, from the band’s first albums. The rest of the components are the usual ones from goldalthough yesterday they did not have Bill Hudson, who was replaced by another guitarist.

They offered a great concert with a good dose of songs from Warlock. He highlighted the delivery of a Bolan that came to catch gold on shoulders The vocalist drew on her enormous charisma and complicity with the fans to triumph in Cartagena. She was surprised that they included a version of Breaking The Law of Judas Priest and also two songs of his own gold. Although the sound could be improved, the performance of Warlock It resonated deeply with many of the viewers.

Yngwie Malmsteen

The guitarist’s concert Yngwie Malmsteen It was much more controversial. First, they kicked the photographers out of the pit after barely a minute. The performance was a demonstration of the enormous talent and skill of Yngwiewho once again cornered his band to have an open space to shine.

Yngwie himself shared vocals with keyboardist Nick Z. Marino in an eminently instrumental show. The Nordic drew on his long catalog of clichés: he kicked the spikes with his boot, showed off his usual poses and even ordered his bassist the position he had to occupy.

For some of the audience the concert was boring, but for others it was a great opportunity to feel the genius of the Swedish six-string master. Yesterday Yngwie was closer than on other occasions on stage and even had some gestures towards his fans: “Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you”, he snapped in parting. It is true that many fans of the Swede would like him to have a solo vocalist again and to structure the concerts as he did in the eighties and nineties, something that clearly seems to be very far from becoming a reality.

The beginning of the fourth day was marked by an important female presence. They started The Last Internationale, a powerful New York rock band with a broad outlook in terms of styles. They were led by vocalist Delila Paz, who, in addition to playing different instruments, took charge of the performance with great force. She came down on two occasions to interact with the spectators, which somewhat interrupted the pace of a very good performance.

The female band continued Cobra Spell, which stands out for the disparate origins of its components. Heavy metal, hard rock and their latest album; 666, were protagonists in Cartagena. The third band was the one that had the most expectation at the beginning of the afternoon. They were the Japanese lovebites, a quintet of girls dressed in white who performed a set of heavy metal, speed and power that completely conquered a good part of the audience. Just like they did Phantom Excaliver The day before, bands from Japan have attracted a lot of attention in this edition of Rock Empire Festival.

From Norway they arrived spidergawd with its psychedelic and progressive rock with a saxophonist as a very active part of the group. They showed their class, although they were one of the groups with the least audience on the main stages. The English followed them Green Lung, a stoner doom band that left its mark on the Batel grounds. While they were ringing riverside On the third stage there was an explosion of adrenaline during the performance of the Canadian heavy and speed metal band Riot City.










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