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Cadena 3 returns to the Argentine rally with the ACTC: they founded the “Rally Sprint Latam” – Racing – Cadena 3 Motor

The Association of Road Tourism Corridors (ACTC) made the momentous decision to create his own competition Rallynamed Rally Sprint Latam, and insert it into the orbit of the entity that already organizes and supervises the T.C., TC Track, TC Mouras, TC Pick Up, National tourism, Track Tourism and the different training formulas for young talents.

Fernando Paolini, marketing manager at ACTC, shared his excitement about this new category. “It is a very important day for us,” he expressed to Chain 3 Motor. “The beginnings of both road tourism and rallying began on the road, it is what unites us and is really a very important project for us.”

Paolini highlighted that this new championship will allow the ACTC to continue expanding and reach the provinces or what he calls “the federalization of motorsports.” He expressed his surprise and gratitude at the large number of journalists and media outlets who have come forward to cover the launch.

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At the press meeting, which was convened this afternoon at the headquarters of the ACTCyour president Hugo Mazzacane and members of his Board of Directorsalso announced the transfer of different regional motorsport federations to the entity on Bogotá Street.

He T.C. and the Rallytwo emblematic categories of Argentine motorsports and with essence in the routes and roads of the country, join hands to put the passion for the “irons” on the stage of mechanical sports every weekend.

In dialogue with Chain 3the general secretary of the ACTC, Facundo Gil Bicella, expressed his enthusiasm about the new project and stated that it is “a transcendental day in the history of Argentine motorsports and fundamentally for the ACTC”:

“For us we are proud of the firm and specific decision of each of those federations and categories that occupy a vast region of our Argentine Republic,” he added.

Bicella highlighted that the Latam Sprint Rally represents a return to the origins of road tourism when the races were held on land. “I think it is a good union, it will surely bear important results because it is very well organized,” he concluded.

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Report by Marcelo Ingaramo -Cadena3 Motor-.

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